Introduction to the Fuckboys

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Since my hoe friends have been asking me to do the boys... I shall. 

The fuckboys were the most "popular" boys in the 7th grade. (They actually aren't that special but everyone knows who they are.)

Fuckboy#1- This is the most important one in the group. Everybody likes this fuckboy and therefore, that makes him the biggest fuckboy. He is currently dating Hoe#1 and literally the whole entire fucking world knows yet that still doesn't stop some bitches from trying to steal her man. He is Dominican and literally every girl in the world has liked him before. 

Michael- This guy is named Michael because if you know anything about Jane the Virgin you know that, that was Jane's love interest. Soooo... since "Michael" has a huge crush on "Jane" in real life it only seems right. He professed his love for Jane next to the lockers and she sadly(yet hilariously) rejected him. Also on the day, I'm writing this they were both absent on the same day. So the question is....Are the fucking each other on the side? He also has mantitties and used to like Eggroll but it all ended when he called her a stripper during the dance.

Mark- Mark is really not that important but he's still a part of the group so I had to include him. We'll see if he does anything interesting but we went to the same elementary school and he stepped on my broken ankle and has never said sorry for 3 years. So I haven't really forgiven him. But he's actually really nice and not that much of a fuckboy bc no one really has a crush on him and he doesn't have these hoes.

Roger- HHHMMMMMMM Roger. Let's see. Me and him are in a fight rn and he's being a bitch. He's really tall and athletic and has a deep voice. That's all I have to say for this dumb hoe.

Mantitties- He's like 2nd cousins with Roger. He has really big mantitties  and used to like Egg Roll and used to buy her shit. He's cool and for the most part funny but he also doesn't have these hoes.

Lil Tim Tim- Lil Tim Tim is best friends with Roger. And is also my best guy friend (and also my BIF) He's really short and really funny. He is also always copying my homework and I used to make fun of his highwaters in gym until he got Adidas pants like last week.

Danny- He's not important and doesn't even talk much but he's in the squad and doesn't start fights with people.

These are just some random boys in my class or that might be important in the fututre.

Abel#1-He always showing his buttcrack and tries to rape Lil Tim Tim all the time.

(They all have the same name in real life so might as well.)

Abel#2- Honestly we just found out he liked someone and when they rejected him he threatened to commit suicide and then he went home. Sooo....hopefully he's ok but we thought he was racist for a small period of time.

Abel#3- He's really tall and skinny and has a deep voice...but I hate him and he hates me(as a joke...or is it?)

George-He's racist and sexist so.... I hate him.

Jacob- I don't really know him that well but he hits me up sometimes and hella girls like him.

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