Back to work

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After Eddie went to the doctor and he said she could go back to work, she had been acting strange, and I was going to get to the bottom of it. Today was Monday, the same Monday that we were going back to work. My alarm clock started to buzz at six o clock, she groaned and rolled over almost on top of me. She put her leg over mine and nuzzled her way into my arm. "Eddie? Come on wake up." I said when I tried to move and I discovered her sleeping position. She mumbled something unclear and clung onto me tighter. I wouldn't have minded, in fact I might have enjoyed it, if we didn't have to go to work. "We're going to be late if you don't get up." I said. She groaned some more and loosened her grip on me.  I wiggled out of her embrace and got out of bed. She whimpered like a puppy when I got out of bed. I shook my head but couldn't help but smile to myself. I nudged her shoulder a few times and she didn't budge. "Come on." I muttered. "Maybe you should try the sleeping beauty technique" She suggested. I chuckled as I listed the pros and cons in my head. I leaned over and found her lips, the kiss was short but electrifying. She sprung up in bed as soon as I broke the kiss. She smiled and I returned it. She pushed back the covers and revealed that she was wearing a small tank top and a pair if panties. It instantly got awkward for me,I wasn't sure about her. We both showered and got dressed. I went tithe kitchen and started to make breakfast. I was halfway finished cooking the eggs when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I jumped slightly at the touch but relaxed as I felt her rest her head on my back. 

When we came into work together everyone gave us suspicious looks, including Sargent renzullie, who gave us the death glare. I shook off the looks and went to the men's locker room to change into my uniform, I tried not to stare as Eddie walked off to the women's locker room. "You got a thing for Janko?" Another officer asked me. "Excuse me?" I chocked out. "Do you have a thing for Janko?" He asked again, only slower and being more specific. I looked at him with shock. "She's, my partner. And that's all she is." I said when I finally found my voice. He shook his head and turned back to his locker. "I've seen the way you look at her,Reagan. I've noticed how you two flirt with each other. I've seen how she looks at you. She likes you, you know that right?" The other officer said, with grinning eyes. I felt one side of my mouth turn up in a smile and I tried to make it come back down. "You think?" I asked after a few moments of silence. "Yeah, so don't let it go. I wish I had that with somebody." He said and sighed. "Oh well, I'll see you at roll call." He said as he headed for the door. I pondered what he had said all through roll call. Did she like me? I hoped so. "Dismissed." Renzullies voice brought me back to reality. I stood up and followed Eddie to the patrol car. "You wanna drive?" I asked holding up the keys. She looked astonished, but she shook her head and got into the Passengers  seat. I got in the drivers side. "I thought I drove like Danny when he was fourteen." She smiled. "You do, but I thought it might be nice to let you drive on your first day back." I said as I started the car. She smiled and shook her. Head as she looked out of her window. 

"12 David, requesting meal break." I said into The receiver on my shoulder. "Request granted" the dispatcher said. Me and Eddie pulled up to a sandwich pub and got out of the car. We got a table and ordered. We were both silent. "So how's the first day back to work?"I said, breaking the silence. "Good. I'm um,  I'm glad to be back." She said, but I wasn't convinced. "At the doctors office you said  you were scared that you could come back to work. Wh t was that about?" I asked, I had wanted to bring it up,  it I hadn't had the right chance. The waitress came back with the our food and I cursed under my breath. We ate in silence. When our meal was over, we started for the door. When we got in the car I didn't put the keys on the ignition, I sat there waiting for her to say something, anything. "You have to start the car if we're going somewhere." She said. "Answer. My question." I demanded. "What?" She looked shocked. "You heard me." I stated. "We're at work, you know we have to remain professional." She said and got In my face. It took everything in me not to kiss her.  She sat back in her seat and I grumpily started the car. 

We didn't talk much the rest of tour. But we left together and sarge gave us the death stare for the second time today.we got in my car and I drove home. She went to the table and so did I. We sat in silence for a few moments while she gathered the courage to tell me what had been bothering her. "The reason I didn't want to go back to work is because.........then we would have to be partners again." She started and I could see she was holding back tears. I put my hand over top of hrs and she squeezed it. "Last week was the best week of my life, because it got to spend it here with you." She continued. I got it now, she didn't want to go back to work because the we would ,technically, be partners again, and we couldn't have a romantic relationship. "I get it, Eddie." I said softly. "I really like you,Jamie." She said through tears. "Eddie I........" 

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