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It was the beginning of the school year in August. Juan(juaniewonka ) should be excited this is his first year at a junior high school but he couldn't help but be bored in class. He sat in the back row closest to the door while his friend jake (shout out to JakeTheOreo ) was also sitting in the back row, but Jake was looking out the window like a main character in an anime. Jake probably watched to many animes over summer. Juan was looking around the class room until something caught his eyes. It was (me)Emily's stupid glasses. Light was reflecting off her glasses like in an anime. WHY WAS EVERYONE ACTING LIKE AN ANIME CHARACTER?! Juan thought to himself.
He then looked at the girl next to Emily. She had blonde hair,blue eyes, and if he remembered correctly, her name was Amanda. Amanda was the most beautifulest girl Juan ever saw. Well other then anime girls, but those aren't real so Amanda would just have to do.

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