Just A Normal Day?

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.:. (Y/N)'s Perspective .:.

Dipper was a bit cheesed that we didn't get him off the ceiling before he fell, and I guess he was right. To make it up to him Mabel and I decided to take him to the mall.

"C'mon Dipper let's go play laser tag." Mabel pleaded. "You love laser tag."

"I'm not talking to you. You left me on the ceiling until I fell." That got us a weird look from an old couple walking past.

"But Dipper... pleeeaaassssse? We just want to make it up to you. No ulterior motives, ok?" I promised.

"Ok fine." Dipper gave me a strange look at the mention of 'ulterior motives'. I guess that does sound really suspicious when you think about it.

"I just realized how that sounds. I, (Y/N) (L/N) promise that there is nothing fishy going on here." I paused for a second. "Yeah I should just stop talking, shouldn't I?" On the bright side that finally made Dipper laugh.

"See you're not even mad anymore. Now let's go play laser tag!" Mabel dragged us into the direction of the arcade. We put on our vests and it quickly became a free-for-all. I snuck up behind Mabel and screamed "IN THIS WORLD IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!" and shot her in the back.

"How could you (Y/N)..?" She sniffed.

"Mabel are you ok?" I slowly got closer.

"Ha! I'm fine." Then she shot me in the chest, laughing maniacally. "You really fell for that (Y/N)!" She was laughing her butt off until I decided to mess with her.

I got a creepy look on my face and said "You shouldn't have done that."

"Uh (Y/N)? You ok?" She backed away, but her back hit a wall.

I shot her directly in the chest, taking her last life. "You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" I stayed serious for another three seconds and then fell over laughing.

Mabel smacked my arm. "Ugh don't do that (Y/N). I was really scared for a second." That only made me laugh harder. Until Dipper came around the corner and shot me. Well there goes my last life.

"Game over (Y/N)." He walked over and high fived Mabel. "Thanks for distracting her Mabel."

"Ugh, siblings. How long have you two been planning this?" I felt betrayed. I probably should have seen this coming though. Mabel had gone down to easy for someone as energetic as her.

"For the last couple of days. And it worked perfectly. You fell for it (Y/N). Me getting duct taped to the ceiling wasn't part of the plan, but it worked out I guess. Actually it hurt a lot." Dipper explained.

"Well you got me good guys. So who's up for lunch?"

"ME!" They both yelled at the same time, and we raced to the food court. I got us some shakes and a pizza and we sat to eat. We had a pleasant conversation about Gravity Falls and all the mysteries here.

"Wow those gnomes sure are creeps." I hoped that I didn't run into them anytime soon. Then, again Bill would probably protect me. Say where was Bill anyway? I hadn't seen him all day. Well he could take care of himself. I kind of missed him though.

"... you think (Y/N)?" My attention returned to the real world.

"What did you say Mabel?" 

"I asked what did you think about heading to the pool tomorrow. It's supposed to be really hot outside, so we figured you'd probably want to come. Plus I'm sure that you'd love to show off your bikini body to Bill." Mabel gave me a suggestive wink. My face turned bright red. For a sweet 13 year old girl she could be a huge creep.

"Ewww Mabel cut it out. Bill is a gentleman. He wouldn't perv on me just because I'm in a bikini."

After that we just kept eating and chatting, completely unaware that Bill had been watching us all day long.

.:. Bill's Perspective .:.

I've been watching (Y/N) and the twins all day. I was just a bit curious to see what would happen if she didn't see me for a while. I say her beat Mabel at laser tag, only to be slain by Dipper. I chuckled a bit. She really did fall for it.

Now they were eating lunch lunch and talking. I decided to peek into (Y/N)'s mind. Aww she missed me. How cute. I didn't think she would become so attached to me so quickly. Wait what was that? It seemed that they were talking about going to the pool tomorrow. 

Mabel said something about (Y/N) in a bikini. (Y/N) blushed and quickly changed the topic. She even called me a gentleman. She was so adorable when she was flustered. But it's not like I'd be opposed to seeing her in a bikini. Looks like tomorrow would be very interesting indeed.


Sorry for the crappy filler and misleading title but I couldn't come up with anything. I haven't really planned ahead to much for this so I'm not sure how long it's going to be. I kinda want to do a Hollywood Undead story but I'd like to finish this, or at least get close first. Well see you next chapter!

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