Part 3

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Mari's Pov
Grandpa Bruce informed Damian and I that he is hosting a charity banquet tommorrow night. I usually love going to the charity parties that Bruce throws, but this one I'm not so sure about. Mom said that she is taking me to the mall to buy a dress for the banquet first thing in the morning. I told her I didn't want to go but she refused to let me stay up in my room while everyone else is in the ballroom. She also asked me why I was so set on not going. I told her I didn't know but deep down I knew the real reason.

I didn't want to go to the charity banquet because a new girl at school was going to be there. Her name is Marissa Moth. She has brown hair and blue eyes. I didn't like her because she was flirting with Damian all day. I couldn't get a minute with him alone. Her father is one of Grandpa Bruce's associates. Damian does seem to like her at least a little bit. My heart felt like it was weighing down my entire body. I felt betrayed, sad, and angry all at the same time.

Sorry this was really short but the next one should be fairly long....No promises though! As always, I would be grateful for your ideas! Goodbye for now!!!

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