Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The next few weeks were the same. Aria kept her distance from Amelia but she stayed underneath Helen the entire time. Vanessa and Helen continue to argue every time they got a chance. Vanessa didn't hate Helen she just hated the fact she was messing around with Aria. Vanessa knew that Amelia and Aria was broken up but she still thought Helen was the worst best friend in the world and she couldn't even get started on how she felt about Aria.

"I need you to control yourself!"

Vanessa rolls her eyes and announces, "Why you always taking their side." She was tired of this shit. She was tired of getting into trouble every time she and Helen got into an argument.

"Because you always starting things." Amelia runs her hands through her hair. "And I do not need you cursing around Annabelle."

"That was a mistake." Vanessa argues back. "She just walks into the room."

"That's why I need you to calm down." Amelia states annoyed. "She is a little girl and I don't want her growing up with anger problems."

"Whatever." Vanessa crosses her arms over and chest. "Why are we even here? We can take the child with us and leave Helen and Aria." The red head vampire spats.

 "We talked about this." Amelia growls. "Now get your shit together."

With that Amelia storms out the room. Vanessa rolls her eyes again and turns punching the wall.


Hours later everyone was sitting at the dinner table except for Vanessa. She didn't have time for any bullshit so she left and went to the nearest bar.

Annabelle pokes at her food and asks, "Where is Vanessa?"

Belle had start calling the feisty red head by her first name because Vanessa stated it made her sound cool and not old.

"She went out honey." Aria answers. Belle continues to poke at her food and huffs, "I'm not hungry."

"I need you to eat." Aria leans over the table and touches Belle forehead. "I know you don't feel well but I need you to put something in your tummy."

Annabelle pushes her hair out her face and slowly begins to eat.

Amelia arches her eyebrow at Aria and then stands, "She needs to go to the doctor."

"She is not stepping out this mansion." Aria states calmly. "It's dangerous out there. She will be okay it is just a little fever."

Amelia clears her throat about to argue but she leaves it alone and sits down. "Whatever." She grumbles.

They all continue to eat in silence and when dinner is over Amelia gets up and carries Annabelle to bed. When she is done tucking in the little monster she walks to Aria chambers.

Aria walks out the bathroom wrapped in a pink towel that stops at her knees.

Aria begins to chew on her bottom lip as she watches the blonde vampire take her in. Amelia stands and then clears her throat. "Are you sure Annabelle is fine."

Aria softly smiles towards the worried vampire and answers, "She will be okay Amelia. She is just sick. I gave her some cough syrup before you put her to bed."

Amelia nods her head and Aria continues, "It is okay to be worried but I promise she will be okay."

Amelia sits back down on the bed and runs her fingers through her hair. Aria sits next to her and Amelia comments, "I missed out on so much."

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