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"How are you failing Divination already? It's only November!" Sam pestered him.

"I don't know, she just pulled me aside and told me I wasn't doing well." Which must mean he really wasn't doing well because Hogwarts Professors don't just pull you aside.

"Nice example you're setting, Dean." Sam murmured and then he turned around to stare at the weary doors for the third time in the last minute.

"She'll come, Sammy." Jo reassured him leaning across the table to ruffle his hair.

"No, None of that Sammy stuff when she's here." He was whispering rapidly now like she could be standing right behind him. He ran his fingers through his hair trying to repair the little damage Jo did to it.

"Why not, Sammy?" Dean teased as Jo snickered beside him, they were sitting at a booth in The Three Broomsticks waiting to meet Jess. That's as much as Sam would tell them, she was a third year named Jess, who was also in his house. Dean spotted a girl with blonde curls and a stance that riddled her with confidence. She had a petite face and freckles but Dean was sure she didn't hate them. Because she was beautiful, freckled and all. She was wearing a worn out sweater with bell bottom jeans that seemed to fit her a little too big (but it didn't matter).

"She's coming." Sam whispered standing up to meet Jess halfway.

"Woah," He heard Jo whisper besides him,"Is he sure she's a third year?" She looked like a fifth year at least but then again Sam was just as tall as Dean and was equally confused as a fifth year (he would curse the angels for that too).

Dean stood up when Jess arrived and took her hand, "I've heard so much about you, Jess!" He said enthusiastically, making Jo snicker. Sam and Jess blushed which only added fuel to Dean's torment. Dean didn't even know about Jess existed yesterday but he would do anything to embarrass Sammy.


A few friends came to pick up Jess after they had their butterbeer, and she seemed sorry to leave. "Hi, Dean!" two of them giggled as they followed Jess outside.

"That went smoother than I expected." Dean smirked leaning over to ruffle Sam's hair. Sam on the other hand was pouting, his face flushed, and his hands crossed. "How old are you Sammy?"

"I think he's mad." Jo said trying to hide her smile.

"I think so too."

"What should we do? Apologize?"

"Apologize for what?"

"For teasing him in the presence of such a woman?"

"I will cast you both to hell if I hear another word out of either of your mouths." Sam gritted through his teeth. Dean couldn't help but smile with affection at his younger brother.

"Did you guys have to do that?"He said not meeting either of their eyes. Maybe they did embarrass him with too many hair ruffles, too many pet names, and too many stories about Sam as a baby.

"So?" Dean snorted."She didn't mind, what kind of love potion did you give her?"

"I-I didn't give her anything!" Sam blushed as he stood up.

"What Dean is trying to say Sam, Is that it didn't matter what we said! Hell, she wasn't even looking at us half the time. Jess just seems to be desperately in love with you Sam Winchester."

"Jo, you don't always have to be so dramatic."


Now that Dean knew who Castiel was he felt like he saw him everywhere. Dean spent everyday of the last two weeks in the library during break.

And Castiel was always there.

They sat side by side now because it was easier for Dean to ask him questions this way. Some days Cas would keep his head buried in a book with Dean just lounging next to him. Other days he pulled out his own Divination textbook and read out loud to Dean.
They didn't always talk about school; sometimes Cas would mention how his day went or he would ask Dean why he was looking particularly peeved.


"Who-what?" Dean replied rubbing his eyes, he stayed up writing an essay for History of Magic.

"You use tea leaves to make your predictions." Cas said looking up from his book.

"God, Jo was right." He said putting his head down and letting his eyes rest, "This class is a joke."

"You don't believe in divination?" Cas asked with in his voice.

"I-I don't know." He murmured, "It just doesn't make any sense."

"When was the last time things made sense?" Cas said more to himself that to Dean.

"I just want to sleep in forever" Dean said lifting his head up so that the sleep wouldn't take him.

"That is commonly known as death."

"Ahh how well-rested must the afterlife be."

"At what cost?"

Dean shrugged him off and opened his book, " So, tea leaves?"

"Yes, we did it in class today." They didn't have Divination the same day, Cas had the class Thursday mornings while Dean had them Fridays.

"How did it go? Did a hot chick show up in your tea leaves Castiel Novak?" Castiel replied to his question with a quizzical look and a tilted head. Dean hated that look as much as he loved it. He felt like Cas was looking right through him. Dean turned away, "Well, this is useless unless a hot chick shows up in my tea leaves."

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