Tidal wave

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My emotions poured out and spilled unconsciously on the ground beneath my feet.

A worthless display of my uncontrolled feeling of love and devotion of caring.

The unreturned emotions and hate started to deceive the greater part of my uncontrolled heart.

Things I thought would not bother me and things I swore I would not see started to tear me apart.

I found myself wailing out in an endless sea of uncontrolled emotions that belong to no one but me.

Questions started coming from voices deep with in.

I started to wonder when had I lost such control.

When had I let this vile display of unnecessary devotion begin, resentment started flooding my brain.

I began to detest everything about myself.

Insein emotions crashing down my door and pain started deceiving me all because I was too vain to see that there was nothing so extraordinary between you and me.

Violent tendencies started to get the best of me.

Control started slipping inevitably.

Because all the while alls I wanted was for us to be, and in the end all the things I thought I had in check I found were not so tight under my belt.

I let all the uncontrolled emotions bottled up with come crashing out for your ungrateful ass to see.

And then the reality of it all begun to hit me hard.

I was just a girl who had gone and lost herself completely, while you were just a guy who could at Any moment forget about it and let me be.

So I stupid as this may be an even though it comes so relentlessly, I've learned to be a bitch and cut myself off completely of any vile display of ushy gushy feelings that come crashing in Like tidal waves ready to drown any fool caught in their path.

I nearly drown to death in this ocean once before and like a fool I tested those same waters.

The only difference from now till then is those waves of love I managed to barely escape with my life despite the fact that I loved the man who caused them to begin,

but you you're the lucky motherfucker who just taught my ass how to swim.

Tidal waveWhere stories live. Discover now