Love Loss & Temptation

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It's 1952 Its summer and the air is warm and the feeling of the sun on my face with the smell of fresh flowers and freshly mowed grass makes my skin shiver the wind is blowing through my short curly black hair. the touch of a beautifull strong hand gliding down my face and his fingers traceing the outline of my red lips. And  he whispers my name "Laura... Laura" then it fades. suddenly my eyes open. I'm brought back to reality. "Laura-line what are you doing" shouts Mr Rollins "I've been waiting for my coffee for ages what is the point of you working if you cant even do your job?" "I'm sorry Mr Rollins I'll get that coffee right away" i stutter as i scurry off bashing into a few walls along the way. Mr Rollins is a world renowned producer he has filmed many short films and tv commercials. Mr Rollins is short round has black short hair but he is partially bald and has a very curly mostache. Mr Rollins has produced many world famous films lets just say he's pretty fantastic at what he does. his latest work is a work in progress about a young women who was black mailed into Killing her own husband  it's some pretty saucy stuff the title of the film midnight in paris. And so now it lands me to why i am working for Mr Rollins. My name is a Laura-line and i got the job right out of my 18th year and senior year of high school my parents moved to downtown Hollywood to help me aspire my dreams of becoming an actress in films across the world or even in Broadway. unfortunately you have to work at the bottom to get to the top. I applied to an add in the local paper for an assistant to the directer and the crew and They hired me on the spot. I think they may have been desperate. for some reason people keep walking off the job but I'm soon learning as to why they did Mr Rollins can be a bit of hot head. either that or my beautifull charm and short curly black hair won them over.
The year is 1952 Princess Elizabeth has just become queen of England at the age of just 25 her father had suddenly passed from his disease. I admire Queen elizabeth shes angelic and Beautifull. Some day i hope to be queen of hollywood but now I'm just dreaming and now back to reality.
I retrieve Mr Rollins coffee black with one sugar no milk and i quickly walk over to him. Once ive handed him his coffee he is red and very mad. He is already stressed and angry at the actors they are not co operating. well Charlene isnt anyway but whats new this is just how she is. Charlene Edwards is Hollywoods most finest she is queen of the screen and she doesn't let you forget it either. Shes accomplished so much in her career and shes only 24. she's tall tanned, blonde hair and has glistening  brown eyes she also has a face thats so angelic that would it make you hate everything about yourself all at once. She has very demanding personality and can be very up tight. she walks around  the place like people should bow down or Something. I'm sure to stay away from her shes just not worth the time. plus she kind of Scares me. Charlene is married to Dennis They are Hollywoods most lovable couple. They met through acquaintances at a met gala for The rich and famous.  They soon got married after a year of dating in Paris France in 1945. it was a big lavish wedding to die for. her dress was absolutely jaw dropping it was ivory and lace with jewels down the front with selves and a facinator to complete the look. it was floor length and hugged her in all the right places. Some day i hope to have a Beautiful wedding like that.
Dennis Edwards is Hollywoods heartthrob he has been in Hollywoods lime light since the mere age of 5 in theatre productions. He is  tall has light ash blonde hair with olive skin. Dennis was a small town boy from Nashville Tennessee he was scouted by an agent from His school and was scooped up and taken to hollywood. Since then Dennis at 25 has made a name for himself both in a good way and bad. He has been known to be sly and underhanded and its not proven but affairs and cheating scandals have been doing the rounds in  the rumours sections in all the top Magazines but you didn't hear that from me. But still girls seem to throw themselves at him. Dennis is the kind of guy that gets what he wants. Both Charlene  and Dennis have been casted in Mr Rollins's movie which is supposed to be a big hit in hollywood but we will soon see.
Meanwhile Charlene is still shouting at poor Dennis id hate to be him right now
"I hate it when you do this to me who was it this time the pretty girl from the costume Department or was it the girl at the bar last night? i seen how you looked at them" "come on Charlene you know thats not true baby ive only got eyes for you please don't do this now not here anyway " Charlene throws her script on the floor and storms off to her room and left Dennis standing there with his head in his hands. I feel for him in a way he's probably so embarrassed. But then again hes also a mastermind manipulator and a giant liar too. I dont know how he can get away with what he does. Dennis sat down in the chair in the living room scene of the film that they were rehearsing in you can see the sheer anger in his toned structured face the sweat dripping down his nose as the redness of his cheeks darkened. the tension in the room suddenly changed really quickly "CAN SOMEBODY GET ME A BLOODY SCOTCH RIGHT NOW" shouted Dennis. My instant reaction was to turn slowly without anyone noticing and just run away but i was caught by Mr Rollins. "And where do you think your going?" "I..i umm I'm going to get Mr Edwards his scotch" i stutter "good because we don't need another Charlene in the room If you know what i mean just get him what ever he asks for keep him happy" and with that Mr Rollins stormed off after Charlene to give her a peice of his mind Charlene always did this it was just a matter of time when or where she would blow.
all the crew ran in all sorts of directions not knowing what to do. i really didn't want to go anywhere near Dennis i wasnt sure what to expect. So i walked over to the bar and grabbed the closest bottle in the cabinet. i grabbed a bottle of Macallan and a small Glass with a some ice.
I walk back over to Dennis very timidly i gulped in fear "Mr Edwards sir... Your drink..". Denis was leaning on the fake fire place this time.
he didnt look at me but replied
"Mmph put it on the table and please leave".
well Atleast he was polite. I walk away to the refreshment table to organise and clean up when Mr Rollins comes bursting through the doors. His face red sweat pouring down with sheer anger plasterd all over his face . "CHARLENE HAS LEFT" " she just walked out" everyone just stood and stared then looked over at Dennis as he stood Up. he walked towards the doors that lead to his dressing room "good hopefully she doesn't come back" he shouts as he walks towards his dressing room. the shock On everyones faces was priceless the fact that he could say such a thing but surely it was just the scotch talking.

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