Chapter 1

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Destiny's POV
I was sitting in math when there was a knock on the door. The teacher invited the person in, it was the principal.

"Destiny White and Jacob Black please follow me." He requested, I got up and glanced at my cousins, Hope and Faith. In the corner of my eye i saw Jacob getting up as well, while muttering "It's Jake"

I walked to Mr. Adams and followed him to the hall. I stood next to Jacob as the principal turned to us.

I didn't like the expression of his face at all, "Destiny, Jacob, I've got some bad news for you guys." He started and my heart started beating faster. I saw even Jacob had a nervous look on his face.

"What happened?" I asked "Well both of uhm of uhm your family's-" he wanted to say but Jacob cut him off by pushing him against the wall holding him by the collar screaming at him "JUST SAY IT ALREADY!"

The principal had fear in his eyes and blurted out " Both your parents and brothers got in a car crash, you guys need to go to the hospital now!" That moment I swear my heart stopped for a second.

After letting it sink in I saw Jacob was already walking outside. I quickly jogged after him, only to see him get on his motorcycle. "Jacob!" I shouted, he looked up " Can I please ride with you?" I begged. "No" he said cold. As soon as I heard that word, I got tears in my eyes.

"Please, I just gotta see them" I pleaded, hoping he would give me a ride. He sighed in defeat and motioned for me to get on.
I gave him a thankful smile and climbed on, putting my arms around him. He stiffened but then relaxed.
I've always loved motorcycles and going on rides with my dad. The fact that neither of us had helmets, only sunglasses, made it better.

He started the bike and it roared to life. God I love that sound. Before I knew it, we were speeding down the road.

After a good 15 minutes we arrived at the hospital. After we parked the bike, we rushed inside and got to the reception.

"Hello I'm Jacob Black and this is Destiny White. We got called in that our families were in a car crash." Jacob said with a straight face.

How does he do that? He just heard his family got in a crash. The receptionist types something in really quickly and then looks up. "Room 315, go to the elevator , third floor and then walk left you should see it." She instructed us.

I speed walked towards the elevators and clicked the button. I was tapping my foot impatiently, after it finally opened I got in. Jacob following and he pressed the button with number 3 on it.

The second the doors opened, I darted down the hallway, looking for room 315. I stood in front of the door and gulped before opening it. I gasped at the sight in front of me.

On my left side were three beds on there were my parents and brother hooked to all kinds of machines and wrapped in bandages.
On the opposite side of the room was a woman, a man and a boy who looked around twelve or so.

I walked toward my brother, Carlos. His brown hair pushed back as a bandaid rested around his head. His beautiful blue green eyes closed and his chest going up and down steadily. I kissed his forehead and walked over to my mother.

She had her left arm in a cast and her eyes closed. Kissing her cheek as I went to my dad. He had a black eye, one leg up in a cast and he also was breathing slowly.

I let a few tears slip, realizing that I waved them out this morning. And now they were lying here.

Just then I noticed a single bed against the wall opposite of the hall door. I sat down in between my mom and brother. I glanced at Jacob as he sat by his mother.

Suddenly his eye become wide and he gets up. He runs to hall. He starts talking to most nearby nurse and then his face goes from worry to relieve. He walks back in and sits down again.

We were just sitting in silence until somebody walked in, the doctor. Me and Jacob immediately stood up and stood next to each other waiting for the doctor to talk.

"Mr. Black, Ms. White." He Said nodding at us. "Both your families have been hit by drunk drivers on the same cross road." I nodded and peeked at Jacob, seeing he was fuming. "Are they dead?" Jacob asks bluntly. The doctor shook his head "The one from the White family did survive, yours didn't." I swear I heard Jacob mutter "good".

"Anyway, shall I inform you about the injuries?" We both nodded and he started by Carlos.

"He has a slight concussion and a few broken ribs. Mrs. White has her left arm broken, bruised legs and some cuts here and there. Mr. White he has the worst, a broken leg, bad bruises all over his body, one failed kidney and also a lot of cuts on his back from shielding your mother."

As he was done a few tears trickled down. I felt an arm around my shoulders and looked up to see Jacob, looking down at me with a sad smile. We walked over to the other side.

"Mr. Black has a big gash in his side and a dislocated shoulder. Mrs. Black has a broken leg and cuts over her arms. While Brandon has a broken leg, cuts all over his side and a concussion." He was finished so I looked up to that Jacob had a stone expression.

I knew for a fact, that he was at least a bit sad so I put my arm around his waist.

"All of them were found unconscious and we don't know when they'll wake up. Now as for you guys, these are your families so we've put and extra bed in here. In the corner is a small kitchen and the other one is a bathroom. We thought you'd like to stay here with your families and get some clothes."

Once he was finished, I thanked him and he left. I sat down on the extra bed and planned on getting clothes and books later on the day.
It was now 4PM and I was just listening to music as Jacob suddenly got up. He walked to me, grabbed my arm and started walking to the elevators. "Where are we going?" I questioned as we get into the elevator. "We are going to get some clothes, books and food." He stated

*After getting everything, back in 315*

There were some extra drawers where we put our clothes in. We were sitting on the spare bed.

"Jacob, I'm going downstairs to the little café for some food. Do you want some?" He simply nodded and looked back at his phone.

As I was walking to the café, something bumped against my leg. I looked down to see a girl around 6 sitting on the ground, so I crouched down.

"Hey there." She looked at the ground and let out a soft hello. "Where is your mommy honey?" I asked, she shrugged. "Well what's her name, maybe I can help you find her."

That made her head shot up. Only now I see she has the same eyes as Jacob ,only a shade darker. "My mommy is called Vanessa Black" my eyes widened at her statement.

"Okay darling, I know where your mommy is and I'll bring you to her. We do need to get some food first, okay?" I asked gently. She nodded and grabbed my hand.

" Wait, miss, My name is Isabelle What is your name?" She asked curiously. "My name is Destiny White." I smiled. After we got some instant noodles, for Isabelle too, we went back to where Jacob was.

As we walked trough the door, Isabelle screamed " Jakey". I laughed at the nickname as she lets go of my hand. I glance at Jacob and see his face light up. "Belle!" He exclaimed happily. He gave her a hug and shot a thankful look to me.

I boiled some water and made the noodles. We ate on the bed and watched a movie after. We all squeezed on the bed with Belle on my lap. Belle wanted to watch beauty and the beast so we did.

Halfway trough she fell asleep on my lap. My eyes began to get droopy and then I felt Jakes arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. He put the blanket on us and laid his head down in mine. I sighed and slowly drifted of to sleep.

POV Jacob
I don't know what it was. But something made me want to protect her. To show her the side only my mates and family sees. I know for a fact, that we'll be stuck together for a while. And in that while, I'm not going to let anyone hurt her. With that promise I fell asleep.

Sharing an hospital room with the badboy. <Completed>Where stories live. Discover now