Chapter 1

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"YOU KILLED MY FAMILY, PETER! YOU KILLED LILY AND JAMES! HOW COULD YOU!" Sirius screams at his supposed friend, tears streaming down his face. He drop to his knees and cries. "It was meant to be this way Sirius! You wouldn't be able to stop it from happening! Your family would be alive if you didn't leave them there while you went on a walk! I remember it all so clearly! Hazel was the first to die because she was outside! She screamed out your name for help then fell to the ground!" Peter yells at Sirius.

James shoots up from his position on the ground to see big brown eyes looking at him. "Amia." He gasps and lifts her up, running upstairs quickly. He sees Lily laying there and places the small girl beside his wife while he attends to his crying son. Lily shoots up under the touch of the girl and looks around in shock. "James? Is Harry alright?" She questions.

*****James' POV*****

I watch as Amia is lifted up by Professor Dumbledore. "I don't see why she can't stay with us, Professor." Lily sighs, adjusting the sleeping Harry in her arms. "She's going to the safest place for her at the moment. But I must ask for you not to go looking for her." He states. I nod and lift up the trunks. "Have you heard from Hazel or Sirius yet?" I ask quickly. He shakes his head. "Hazel is dead and Sirius is being locked up in Azkaban for murder." Dumbledore explains. Lily let's out a sob and I stare at him in horror. "Well I best get going. They're waiting." He laughs and walks away.

I place the trunks down inside my family home and look around. "Mom? We're here!" I call. Feet come running and my parents appear from the living room. "We thought you were dead!" Mom cries. "So did we. Sirius' daughter brought us back and Dumbledore took her away." Lily explains. Mom takes Harry into her arms and passes us the Daily Profit. I scan over the front page to see a picture of Sirius being surrounded by Aurors and a picture of Hazel's dead body outside of our house. "Sirius didn't let out our location. We made Peter our secret keeper because Sirius suggested it." I state. They gasp in shock and stare at the picture. "I don't think Sirius knows Amia is alive still. That's why he attacked Peter." Lily says. "And Peter isn't dead, he would have run away in his Animagus form." I add quickly. There's a tap one the window and I see an owl holding a letter. I rush over and take the letter quickly. "It's from Remus." I sigh. Lily quickly takes the letter. "He says he has Amia with him and Dumbledore told him to not believe what the profit says. He suggests that we keep a low profile and stay out of sight." Lily says, summarizing the letter. I smile and hug my wife close.

I look around Remus' house with Lily close to me. "Moony?!" I call. A door creeks and feet come running. "Prongs?! Mrs Prongs?! How are you?" Remus says, entering the room with Amia touching one of his scars. "What is Little Padfoot doing?" I ask. "She's been healing me since she woke up this morning. She's great at it." He laughs. Amia pulls her hand away and turns toward us. She squeals and reaches out for Lily. Lily's face brightens and she takes the small girl into her arms. "Hi there Amia!" Lily cooes. Amia places her hand on Lily's forehead and I watch as a scar begins to fade. "I was told by Professor Dumbledore not to tell you that I had Amia with me because it's not permanent." Remus states, leading us into the kitchen.

Amia burst into tears and Remus jumps in shock and takes the girl in his arms. He grabs the bottle sitting on the table and sticks it in her mouth. She quickly quietens and drinks away contently.

A knock sounds on the door as I hold Harry to my chest in the living room. I quickly stand up and open it to see Remus standing there with tears in his eyes. "Dumbledore took her away." He states. I lead him inside quickly and hand Harry to him. "Lily! Remus is here!" I call. Lily quickly runs downstairs and joins us in the living room. "Remus? What happened?" Lily gasps. "Dumbledore came by earlier and took Amia away. He said I would most likely not see her again. He called in Sirius' mother and passed Amia to her." Remus cries. I screw my eyes shut and take a deep breath. "That's the worst place for her to be! She knows nothing about raising a child properly!" Lily yells.

***1 month later***

I walk into Remus' home to see him cuddling a child close. "Remus? Is that Amia?" I ask. Remus looks over and nods. "Her Grandmother died so Dumbledore is letting me take care of her while he sets something up somewhere." Remus explains. "And that will be at Hogwarts. Anyone else I have asked said they didn't want the daughter of a murderer in their home." Professor Dumbledore states from behind us. I turn to him in horror. "Remus is her Godfather though! She should be with him." I yell. "No James. He's right. Hogwarts is safer for Amia because I'm less likely to attack her on a full moon." Remus sighs and passes Amia to our old Professor. I watch as Dumbledore apperates away and sigh.

I walk into the house and see Harry laying in the living room with my father while Lily and my Mother cook. "Mrs Black died not long ago so Remus was looking after Amia. Not long after I got there Dumbledore showed up to take her to Hogwarts because nobody wanted the daughter of a murderer in their homes." I explain to Lily. "The poor girl. She's going all over the place." She cries out.

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