Chapter 3

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Point 3 : Faith

     Faith here means visualising and believing in attainment of desire. Even the bible said that with faith we can move mountain. Faith is more than mere hope and wishes. Faith is a very very strong hope and believe in something. Now what is the role of faith as the way to get riches.

     According to Hill faith is the head chemist of the mind. When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration, translate it into its spiritual equivalent, and transmit it to infinite intelligence.

      checking the life of somebody like Abraham Lincoln who was a failure in everything he  does but due to the strong faith he had we know whom he is now.

     Riches begin from thought. The amount of riches is limited to only those whose mind of thought is put into action. But faith removes limitations. 

     It is not easy to have faith but once you do so even if you are falling on short run, you will believe that on the long run everything will be far more better.

     Faith is the starting point of getting all riches you desire why? because with faith you are sure that all those riches must be gotten even doe you see all is not however faith is the only antidote for failure. Truthfully speaking with faith you can never be poor. Faith i say is the strong in strong desire. Having faith  in what you have. thought and desire makes different from mere thought and desire. Having faith that i cannot fell, i won't be a failure, i must. succeed, i must be rich, poverty won't be affixed to My name etc as i said will make these desire strong and work out

    concluding just have faith to be rich

        point 4 will be on autosuggestion

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