The Wolverine

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

" I?" A pair of shining-blue eyes twitched open and looked out at the world. His vision swam as the liquid in the tank washed into his eyes, forcing them closed again, before they cracked open yet again. He was in some form of cylindrical, glass container, filled with a somewhat-thick fluid, in-which he was suspended. An oxygen mask over his mouth shot bubbles out of the apparatus with each breath.

Outside the tank, the men and women gave no indication that he was awake. They continued with their own work, viewing various monitors and diagrams, pointing to various sections and areas. He tried to move, but lacked the strength to move. Even with the fluid in the tank, his limbs felt somewhat heavy. He couldn't turn his his head, but his eyes caught sight of a few wires attached to his body, across his arms and legs, as well as across his back, neck and torso. Seeing movement outside the tank, he watched two new men enter the room. One, a boy, slightly older than himself with large glasses and white hair. The other was decidedly older, with pale white skin, and long black hair. They seemed to converse a bit with the others in the room.

"What is this?" he thought, his mind racing, and the young boy began struggling, beginning to catch the attention of the men and women, who looked on with excitement and interest. "This isn't right. Who are these people!" Any and all thoughts were ripped from his head, his body beginning to convulse with an electric current. He wished to scream, but nothing came out. It was in his electrically charged pain that the memories formed.

He had just beaten the ever-living shit out of Mizuki, and had been rewarded Iruka-sensei's own forehead protector. He had gotten back to his apartment and leapt into bed, exhausted, but too excited to sleep. He never noticed the extra presence in his home until it was too late. A sharp sting was felt and a cold feeling began to spread through his body. Whatever he had been injected with was working fast. His eyes widened and his breathing slowed as he saw his masked assailant grab the blonde and throw him over his shoulder. And now, just as then, he found himself losing consciousness, the pain too much for his small body to handle. His last waking memory was the muffled sounds of a conversation, before the blackness consumed him.

"As you can see, Lord Orochimaru, the specimen is fully under control," the head scientist, Kanja, announced, some pride in his voice, as though subduing a small boy was a great challenge. "We've extracted blood samples, bone-marrow, skin and hair. Since the boy is of the Uzumaki bloodline, as his name suggests, you should have...ample amounts of genetic material to use in your experiments." The pale, snake-like man did not even twitch a single muscle or bat an eye at the words. He merely stare inward at the unconscious boy.

Walking up to the glass, so close that his breath fogged the glass, Orochimaru stood, deep in thought. "Very well, Kanja," he replied, never breaking his gaze from the blonde. "Tell me, is the boy of any more use to me?" The gray-haired man stroked his chin.

"Actually, his healing, both natural and Kyuubi-related, make him the perfect subject for Project X," Kanja replied, a smirk growing on his face. "If it works, not only will you have the Uzumaki genes, but another weapon to use against the leaf when the time comes. Imagine the irony of the village being destroyed by its own Jinchuriki." Orochimaru chuckled.

"Yes," he replied. "A most delicious irony, at that. How soon can the boy be prepared for the procedure?" Pulling out a chart, Kanja looked it over for a moment before giving his answer.

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