What is this....."normal"?

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    So what really is this normal that everyone wants to be? Does it even truly exist, or is it just what we make of it that makes us what we are? Some people believe that normal is an everyday thing, that it is easy to come by and that there is no other thing to be. Then again though if you were to ask them the question of what they truly thought the word normal meant, could they truly tell you. Does the definition of normal in the dictionary truly say what we believe it is to be or is it just a jumble mess of words that in your mind truly has no meaning what so ever?

       There are people who believe that normal is the opposite of weird. Then again there is the question what is seen as weird, or is weird just a made up word to give to people who are differnet than the average person? To say that a person is "weird" is to judge someone, most likely before you even truly know the person at hand. Then again though even knowing the person give no right to judge them, though I know that most people do it without thinking. 

          In life we all have words that we use to desribe people. In this world though it is a sense of descrimination, and who are we to describe someone? Let's say for example, saying a girl is pretty, do we mean it in the sense that she has good characteristisc or are we really talkig about her being prettier than the girl you just described as ugly?

           Life contaons of the things we put in it, some says it's fate, others say you can make it what you want it.  I am not really sure if it's always what you make of it, people do just have a harder life than the last person did. Do you consider them equall though or is it just a matter of perspective? Would the person with the hard life even agree with the rich person in the corner in any of the conversations? 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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