Hi there a pleasant day to all of you. It is good to see happy smiling faces, specially happy couples and family alike. I'm a little bit amuse how this pair has a strong connection to one another that is the time i realized and recall of what my mother told me about "soulmate". A soulmate (or soul mate) is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, or compatibility and trust as defined in wikipedia and a person with whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet -- a connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before as fortold by Urban dictionary. Now is it really possible that we people has a soulmate or a partner in destiny paired before we set forth our eyes in this world.
Just like every creatures in the world, which has the it's own match. We people who are more cicvilized than animals and other creatures have our own partner so that we can preserve our race from generation to generation till the end of the world. Now how do you know if you have alraedy your soulmate with you that your partner today has the destiny's nod that both of you are mutually for each other. The moment you saw your love one at the beginning, There's a special attraction like a magnet that pulls each of you to perceive a bond that forever will last. They say love is not logical, it is of the soul this i borrowed from Shelly Bullard. There are a lot of question that you may want to ask about soulmate like do is this real, do every person has his/her soulmate and where is mine if a person still doesn't have a partner on a matured age.
A lot of people are uncertain of their status in life, whether or not they are sharing with the right partner and usually some are overly confuse when they feel pain and discomfort in their married life. I don't know if cupid is to blame when someone falls in love and married to this person which has a adeep attraction and mutually share the same passion as to one another however suddenly become's cold and inacapable of sustaining each other needs. Are they just a product of sudden burst of emotion and not the real soulmate to one another. This are all query that yet to be answered appropriately. If you read the bible at the beginning of the world there is already a soulmate to Adam and that is Eve which God created from the rib of Adam. So literally the woman come from the same flesh of the man. It means that there is someone that will complete a person's emptiness or sorrow and this is it's very own soulmate.
In a so called relationship when a man was paired to a woman, there is attraction respect, trust and most importantly love to one another so if this emotions are just plain and formality for opposite sex then that is not a legitimate love but only attraction, the relationship will not prolong on that pairing because the lack of love does not exist. We must always remember that there will always be pain and struggle in every relationship no matter what stage of knowing a partner is developing.
We were blessed by God with freedom to choose and freedom to love, we must use this wisely and understand the concept that everyone of us has to love and share feelings to one another, let us not become animals that always searching for the right mate. Let us become civilized yet responsible and became faithful to our partner. To those who are still searching for their soulmate and haven't find one yet, don't you worry God has a plan on your life,you never know God is still trying to make you a suitable one. Let us love and belove.
I give credit to the author of the image i used and again to Ms Shelly Bullard for reference, thank you and happy reading. I have the same story and a lot more on www.Bubblews.com that i want to share just look for my pen name VenHelsing, thank you.