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'I'm fed up of waiting for the right time. I'm making now the right time!' Thoughts like that were running through my mind as I closed the space between us painfully slow. Then something unexpected happened. She placed her arms around my neck and pulled me in, smashing her lips on mine in a passion filled moment.

We seperated trying to catch our breaths. 'Does this means Blondie likes me?!' Our foreheads rested against eahother as we both looked each other in the eyes. I didnt want to blink, 'what if this isn't real and what if when I blink... the moment dissapears'.

An awkward cough interupted our little moment making me and Blondie turn our heads to the window.

"I came to see if Luce was alright but.... I guess thats covered." Natsu who was perched on the window ledge, jumped down after saying those short words.

"Damn Salamander." I growled under my breath. I totally forgot I was sill on top of Blondie untill I returned my attention from the window to her. I hurried to get off her and blushed every shade of red.

''Well, since you are okay and all... i'm just gonna.... erm.. leave..'' I sauntered over to her bedroom door and lingered there a few seconds, ''Bye, Blondie.'' I was almost at the door when Tthe Blondie spoke up.

''Wait...'' She said in a small voice 'Yes!' I thought in my mind as I got to spend more time with the Stellar Mage. I turned to her and we made eye contact. ''If you're going to sulk like that then you can stay longer.'' She says with a smirk playing on her pink lips.

''H-Hey! I Was n-not sulking!'' I half-yelled as furrowed my brow and pouted.

''Well, even if you weren't then... you are now~.'' She teased. I stared intensley at her for god knows how long. ''You know, I like this Laxus better.''i raised an eyebro at her less than obvious statement. She then carried on speaking, ''Because you can be cold and mean sometimes...'' Her expression saddened as she looks down at her lap and rubs her left arm awkwardley.

"Listen, lucy--" I began but he cut me off.

"But, this Laxus. I like him. Like, I really like him." She looked up from her lap and caught my eyes with hers.

"I... don't think he likes you..." Dissapointment sweapt accross her face like a hurracaine across the coastine and her eyes became glassy with unshead tears. "...I think--- no, i know... He loves you, Lucy Heartfilia." i knelt by the bed and stared up into her beautiful brown orbs. She pounced -and i mean POUNCED- onto me, knocking us both to the floor with her on top of me.

"I love you too!" She exclaimed, tears of joy now falling from her deep pools of brown. We then closd the gap between us and caught eachother in a passionate and lust filled kiss.

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