Chapter 4

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We need to fly ourselves before someone else tells us how. Something is off. I feel like prey,I feel like praying.

I stand in the shower with water making my hair cover my face. I washed up earlier but I just need to think. Every time I close my eyes,there he is. Jesse's look at me-the predator look haunts me still. I remember I had this best friend that was dating this guy she met after a supposed one night stand. He used to look at her like that and wouldn't let any guy near her. He let Jesse near her since me and Jesse were dating back then. I feel my lip trembling at remembering the last time I saw her. I remember her last night ever.

I was sitting on the couch,waiting for her to call or text or to even actually show up. I sigh when I check my phone and see nothing besides of missed calls from Dad. I roll my eyes at him trying to call. Doesn't he know he really hurt me? Why isn't Alyssa here yet?! Why hasn't she given me a call or text saying-

Hi,bitch! Just kidding! I still love you! I'm being held up right now so we can't hang out like we always do. :( BUT,talk to ya later!

I'm waiting for that text still or maybe her saying that over the phone. What if her boyfriend finally hurt her? What if that day I hoped and dreaded for finally happened? What if she is badly hurt or damaged or....dead? No! I can't imagine that! I wipe the tears threatening to spill over. I exhale and watch TV waiting for Alyssa to text me still.

An hour and almost a half later,Alyssa texts me. I smile and look at the text then start to frown and hold back the aching feeling to sob. Her text says-

Max,I'm sorry. I can't keep going on like this anymore. I can't keep acting like that being watched everywhere I fucking go by this jerk is fun and cool. He isn't a bodyguard anymore,he's a stalker. He keeps trying to find ways to keep me tied to him but I can't keep doing this. He demands me to go back home at 9pm but I have to watch my little sister and brother and he just doesn't understand! Max,I'm sorry that I'm so weak and didn't tell you everything. He hurt me,he...raped me and I can't deal with him anymore. I have to end this,have to end me. I know you're probably going to run over here and try to save me but you can't. I love you,girl. Remember that. Also watch out for Jesse. I've seen a hint of the same look in his eyes when he looks at you. Please don't get hurt like me. If he hurts you like that jackass did to me,you know what to do. We need to fly ourselves before someone makes us. Forces us. I love you,Maxie.

The news started playing itself on the TV and it's talking about her. Nobody knows the reason why she killed herself but I do. I hold her last words in my hands. Her boyfriend's face appears and he's crying. Anger ripples through me and I grab my coat and keys and go to their house.

He was arrested after I showed the police Alyssa's last words. Good riddance to that asshole. I still miss Alyssa. Whenever I wanted to talk about living in Paris with her when I was there with Georgie,I would pick up the phone and call her only for it to go to voice mail. Then the reality of her being dead slams back into me and since I didn't have Jesse with me before I started to not like him as much,I would cry or hold it in for Georgie. I won't forget her no matter how much I want to forget the pain.

I wipe the tears going down my face and look through my suitcase for beach clothes. Nothing but a pair of shorts and that rainbow shirt I got back in Paris. I shrug and put them on while putting my hair in a high ponytail. I get sunscreen and 2 beach towels for me and Georgie. I walk out my room and see Georgie giggling while he's on Jesse's back as they run around the apartment. Jesse neighs likes he's a horse and I smile and hold back a laugh. Georgie yells, "Onward,Mystic horse of Unicorns!!" That got to me. I burst out laughing at them and hold my stomach as I laugh hard.

Jesse looks at me and laughs too. Georgie laughs with us and it's just us laughing for what feels like hours was only 5 minutes. When our laughter quiets down,Jesse asks, "You ready,Maxie?" I nod. "Let's go to da beach!"

Georgie smiles. "I'm going to a beach! Will there be horses there?" He says. Me and Jesse look at each other then I point at Jesse and tell Georgie, "He's a horse." Georgie smiles and bounces on Jesse's back. Jesse opens the front door and walks out with Georgie and to the car. I don't know why but I really like this. I can just forget of me remembering the pain of the past for now. I can just ignore that predator look Jesse gave me earlier and have fun with Georgie.

He puts Georgie in the back and buckles him up in his car seat. After he does that,he gets in the drivers seat while I sit next to him. He starts to drive away and smiles at me. "Do you miss the waves,Max?" He asks me.

I shrug. "I don't know. I mean,Paris had many beautiful things there that I honestly forgot about the waves for a bit. But,I do miss putting my feet in the sand." I tell him.

Jesse nods and I think there's a hint of hurt in his eyes. Why would he be hurt? Jesse says, "You don't mind if 2 other people are going to be joking us right?"

"I don't mind. Who's coming with us?"

"Well,they're not getting inside the car with us but we'll meet them there. There's Zach,you remember him right?" I nod and Jesse continues. "It's Zach and his girlfriend,Janelle but she likes Jane more. Do you remember Jane?" I nod again. I remember her nice smile and how she can get really sassy and she loved hanging out with us. But I never knew she liked Zach or that Zach liked her too. Did this happen over the time I was gone? I guess it did because I remember then hating each other at first until they became frenemies. "I know right?! It's weird they got together but it was really because someone was making fun of Jane's height and then Zach just bounced right in and protected her. I mean,we all know how short Jane is."

We do. Jane might be 22 now but she's pretty short. Like as tall as the average height of a 15 year old. We used to call her Munch and she would say, "I might be short but that just means I have better access to kick a guy in the balls! Make them all squeal!" That made all the guys hat heard her cover their balls but it was pretty funny actually.

I smile. "Is she still trying to kick guys in the balls?" I ask.

"No," Jesse says. "More like trying to punch them in the balls. But Zach would stop her before things go.....well,bad."

I just nod. I can't wait to see Jane and Zach. Mainly Jane. She's my other girl friend besides of Allyson and helped me to when she died. That's what brought us closer and now it might be weird since I've been gone for so long. What if that how it's like with everyone? Everyone has completely different lives than of what I remember 2 years ago. What if Jane is like me? Having Zach look at her like prey like how Jesse does and we're not even dating anymore? Or is Zach normal? I don't know but it all depends on what is waiting at that beach.

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