rickthesizzler; guess who's back :b
rickthesizzler; oh wait
rickthesizzler; you're probably asleep ):artisticann; nope
rickthesizzler; it's 1am Ann
artisticann; I couldn't sleep
rickthesizzler; take some NyQuil
artisticann; ew no
artisticann; it's grossrickthesizzler; but it'll help u sleep
artisticann; I'm not going to drink any
rickthesizzler; whateverrrr
rickthesizzler; I'm just trying to help u out
rickthesizzler; what's your #?artisticann; why?
rickthesizzler; I wanna FaceTime w/ you :b
artisticann; how would that work...?
rickthesizzler; oh (opened)
rickthesizzler; right (opened)
rickthesizzler; I'm sorry (opened)-
no, I'm not dead.