Who? What? Where? Why?

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Eric ran through the jungle, but he noticed some strange light. "That's isn't fire." He told himself. He crept near it. He saw monkeys...But he also saw...Claudia! He snuck sround to see what happened. Claudia was tied up, the monkeys looked like they were gonna eat her! Weird..

Claudia was struggling to get free, then she spotted Eric. "HELP!!" She couldn't get free. Eric plunged from the bushes to stab a monkey and attempt to get her free. Claudia kicked and wormed till she got free. They fought through and ran to Eric's old house. Once they got there they cought there breath.

"What happened? Also, I'm sor-" Claudia kissed him and held it. Eric's face went red. She finally stopped. "W-What?!" Eric was stunned. "Well, uh, I sorta owed you." With that she sat at the edge of a tree. "There are more people out there. And I want to see them!" Eric gulped and thought about it, he sat next to her. "I-I'm sure there are..But for now..It's us." 

Claudia hugged him. "Sorry for the scare.." She chuckled nervously. "No worries, my weapons got through em easily." Eric said proudly. "Guess you are the stronger one.." She sighed at that. "What an adventure.." They both said.

Little did they know, they were being watched. "Finally. They got along. Maybe i can greet myself now that Claudia is gullible enough." The mysterious person chuckled and walked off to their home. 

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