Chapter 7

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Junhui decided he wanted to skip school the next day. He texted Jihoon and asked if he would skip with him, but Woozi persuaded Jun to come to school. Junhui reluctantly agreed and arrived at school. He walked in, just to be stopped by Jihoon. Jihoon smiled brightly at the taller boy and handed him a note. The Chinese male thanked him and walked to homeroom.

He sat down in his spot and noticed that The8 wasn't here. He frowned and opened the note.


I am getting to the point where I just want to tell you who I am. There is no point behind these notes. You are dating Hoshi, and I bet you don't even look at me the same way. You probably don't even notice me half the time. Sure we talk, but what does that matter? I hope you are happy with Hoshi, Junhui. I'll talk to you soon.


Junhui sighed. Hoshi was pissed at him. He came over the other night and they got into a major argument when he found these swans. Jun could care less, this mystery person notices more about him than his own boyfriend.

These thoughts disappeared once he heard the classroom door open and Minghao walked in. He was about to wave at the mute boy when he noticed something strange. The boy who is usually cheerful and in short sleeve shirts looked like he hasn't slept in weeks and was wearing a long sleeved shirt. Something was seriously wrong.



to soon? Okay... (Awkward)

But serious, I'm back and updating again. Have you heard Love Letter?! What's your favorite song from SVT's new comeback?

Mine is Say Yes and Shining Diamond ~performance team~

Origami Swans ~ Wen JunhuiWhere stories live. Discover now