Karsen/ Tony- Over

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I was driving along, flicking glances at the forest when I saw two muddied figures straddle out onto the road. One was small and slender and the other tall and heavily built.

The small one waved frantically at me and I warily pulled over to the side of the road, slowing to a stop beside them and rolling down the window.

Layla's shining face popped into the window and she smiled at me, mud was smeared across her face and dress, her hair dripped slowy with water onto the side of my car.

"Layla?" I questioned, chuckling quietly.

"Hey! We got lost, can you give us a ride? Tony's car broke down and we got lost in thewoods, because this goofball dropped his phone down the ravine." She turned to ruffle his hair and he grinned playfully at her.

She whipped enthusiaticallly back to me," Please, Karsen? I would owe you one." She mockingly clasped her hands together and fave me a puppy dog face.

Despite my dislike for Tony, I relented and she squealed in delight, jumping into the front seat. Tony climbed in the back. I tried to ignore him as we began to drive.

"Did I mention you looked gorgeous today?" I said to Layla and she flushed lightly, tilting her head towards me. How she got me so wrapped around her fragile fingers I'll never know, but she did.

She was mine, I would make sure of it.

"No, but thank you."

Tony made a sound from theback seat.

"Layla, have you thought about my offer?" He asked, she turned to him, straining against the seat belt to give him a warning glare," I have been thinking about it. Maybe we should talk about this later." I could sense a feirceness thinly veiled underneath her light tone.

My eyes went to the review mirror and locked with Tony's. He met my stare head on with as much loathing as mine before ficking back to Layla.

"Oh, I don't mind if Karsen knows." He replied to Layla's hidden threat.

"Knows about what?" I growled through my gritted teeth. Layla sent me a pleading glance before looking once again at Tony. My hands gripped the steering wheel with increasing pressure as the tension in the car shot up.

Tony layed his hand over Layla's on the shoulder of the seat where she had placed it when she twisted around to speak to him.

"I proposed to Layla."

I choked on air," You what?!" I exclaimed. Layla had a helpless expression on her face as she shot worried looks between us.

"Yes, I love her very much. We'll be very happy together." He spoke forcefully. Layla did not move her hand out from under his.

"She didn't say yes yet, did you?" I accused at her. Her pink lips parted.

"Well, no-" She began but was interuppted by Tony.

"That's a minor set back, the details will be settled soon."

"Minor?" I raged," I think she has to say yes for you to marry her. Isn't that how it works? Or are you forcing her into this too, just liked you forced her to stay quiet while you hit her?"

His whole body tensed up, and Layla rubbed his shoulder.

"Guys, neither of you mean this, why don't we-"

"Oh, no, Layla. I mean it." I shot out. Her eyebrows angled down in helplessness.

"At least I didn't pretend to date her just for petty revenge." Tony spat angrily.

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