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So, the Game of Thrones premiere was fucking sweet! It kind of lacked here and there but the overall episode was, like every other episode, fantastic. Melisandre was being wtf like always, AND ALL OF THE CAST WAS LIKE "lmao no jon's fr dead fuck ppl with hope" AND HE LOOKS PRETTY FUCKING DEAD BUT HE CAN'T REALLY BE OR I'LL CRY BECAUSE ROBB IS GONE AND THEY CAN'T TAKE JON TOO.

Hey also X-Men Apocalypse!!! I'm kind of questioning Oscar playing Apocalypse but Oscar's a flawless actor anyway so I'm sure he'll pull it off in the long run.

233 days until Rogue One, and I'm so fucking pumped not only because it's a Star Wars movie but because Felicity Jones is my girl crushhhh<33 And she seems like a badass female character that won't be whiny or be a Mary Sue. ( side note-- don't get me wrong I love Leia and Daisy but you can't tell me honestly that Rey's ability to manipulate the Force and basically do everything ever with ease isn't the trait of a Mary Sue, and Leia has her eh moments— very few, though. And every person will hate me for this but I don't care for Padmé that much?? Ok see u in hell lmao )

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