I've Earned My Place With The Tidal Waves

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Upon reaching her home she bolted straight to the computer, ignoring any pain that was still left from the blow. She could worry about it later.

She typed in her password and impatiently watched as it loaded, cursing her low budget and shirty computer. She had too many thoughts currently swimming in her mind and if she didn't release all this pent up scientific work she would surely forget.

She tapped the table anxiously with her short nails, every second feeling like a year or more. The thoughts swimming in her behead now accumulating to a horrible headache which would no doubt hurt if she weren't so damn focused on to task at hand.

It finally loaded and she swiftly clicked on Google Chrome and ignored her Skype automatically opening. Of course her internet just had to go and ruin everything. The browser was taking even longer in loading than the previous load and she was just about ready to smash a book against the virus infested computer.

But she didn't regret all the anime Marathons. Sure she might have accidentally given her computer a virus because she wasn't careful but Mew Mew Kissy Cutie didn't wait for anyone.

Finally a fresh homepage loaded and stared up at her suffering. At the speed of light she typed in the blue mermaid's name and waited, hoping for any sightings or witnesses or anything, even stories about other mermaids. She just had to know if she wasn't hallucinating or something, dreaming seemed impossible at this point.

She was met with several links but they weren't the ones she was looking for. All she could find was the meaning of Undyne and baby names websites. This was getting her nowhere.

She typed in 'Undyne mermaid sightings' there was one link that was even closely related but it was just someone explaining a 'myth' and how the mermaid clearly wasn't real or any at all. There was one of a person seeing a blue body in the water but that was about all she could dig up, so she seemed it useless.

This wasn't helping.

Instead this time she searched 'mermaid encounters' she had searched this previously but now she was planning on using her limited new knowledge of the mermaid to good use. And if that didn't work, she could always write up her own encounter and have it sit there with the rest, waiting to one day be read.

It all seemed hopeless at this point.

She got the same result as last time, nothing important, not even using an actual mermaids name helped.

All this research was beginning to worsen her headache so she got up, stomped to her bathroom and searched the white shelves for any headache pills.

But of course, just like Evey other time, she was unsuccessful as Mettaton leaped out at her from seemingly nowhere and greeted her ecstaticly.

"M-mettaton?! What are you doing here?" She nearly screamed and her hand shot up to her head at the spike of searing pain.

"Darling, it was so boring waiting for you! Also don't forget I know where you keep your spare key!" Mettaton smiled with seemingly not a care in to world.

"Y-yeah, well I'm b-busy... So if you don't mind-"

Mettaton narrowed his eyes at her actions before he voiced his thoughts. "What's wrong Alphy?" He stared at her hand as she rubbed the sore spot and she looked away, avoiding his gaze.

"It's nothing I-important Metta! Just a headache."

He wasn't convinced, not even slightly. Mettaton tilted his head and scrutinized her disapprovingly. Alphys just shrunk in on herself and played with the pockets of her lab coat. She was aware she was a bad liar and Mettaton had a talent for telling when someone was lying but it never hurt to try, right?


After a small argument with mettaton over her health, she took some pills and as requested was resting on her bed. She had of course taken her laptop with her and decided it was time to out her thoughts to the world.

She logged onto her tumblr and prepared herself for the large essay she was about to write over her encounter, she was even gonna make sure to put the picture she had taken on the post for proof.

Before she were to begin typing she thought to herself. Was this really a good idea?

Sure she might have more info on the mermaid or maybe not but what if someone were to take this seriously and clap the police? And they would surely do something about a mermaid lurking near a beach that could potentially harm people.

Knowing humans of course.

Or maybe she would get captured and have tests done on her for research purposes. None would be too pleasant either.

But then again who would believe a tumblr blogger who watches too much anime for her own good?

With a sigh she started writing up her story, making sure to use a lot of detail and constantly writing about how aboslutly terrified she was at first.


I honest to god don't know where to go from here like??? O well I'll think of something in time lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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