Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

1 Month Later

(Continue Lele)

Within the month that went by Quan still refusing to sign the papers and he threaten to kill me if I ever told anyone about him. Getting married was a mistake. He had access to all my money and he cleaned me dry. I lost my job and my life was a mess right now. But Marcus has been so sweet and been helping out financially and my friends. He has definitely changed since the incident between us years ago. Him and Jace are finally talking and they spend a lot of father and son time together. He even offered to sign the birth certificate of my unborn child. I'm still not sure if I'm going to keep it though so I'll get back to him about that. All I know is that I'm going through with the pregnancy. But right now I was just standing at Miracle ceremony crying. She made me maid of honor and she just looks so beautiful in her dress. We're in June now and the weather is nice so the ceremony is held on the beach behind Juicy beach house. After the ceremony and reception and everything was over I was happy for Miracle. For the first time ever I have seen her smile bigger than ever. Jayda made a fool of herself at the reception begging for her back. That's what she gets. But I noticed throughout the day Patricia was acting weird. Even more weird around Marcus. I wanted to know what was up but I'll ask her eventually. Right now I was just sitting in my room eating a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream to myself. Miracle walked in and sat down next to me. Her and Juicy are also trying to start a family so she's just two weeks pregnant.

Miracle: Your not going to share

Lele: Nope

Miracle: But I want some

Lele: Go get your own

Miracle: Fat ass lol

Lele: Lol don't be mean

Miracle: I just came to say thank you

Lele: For

Miracle: Everything you did for me and being there for me. Just being the sister I always wanted. For protecting me and sticking around even when I tried to push you away. More importantly I'm happy because of you. If you weren't here for me I probably be dead right now or stuck with Jayda or some other crazy abusive relationship. Thank you for introducing me to Juicy and your just the reason why I'm happy. Your more than just a sister your my best friend and I don't know what I would have done without you these last few years

Lele: I'll always be here for you

I couldn't help but cry some more. I've been really sensitive and emotional lately. But she gave me a hug and I could hear her crying too. I feel the same way she does. I learned a thing or two from Miracle and I always wanted another sibling. I'm so glad she came into life eventually we both dozed off together. We were awakened the next morning by Faith jumping on the bed. She is just a little too happy sometimes. Anyways I got out of bed and got my day started. I needed to go see Patricia. I eventually ended up at her house. I wanted to talk first but she was wearing some really short shorts and I was in that kind of mood. She closed the door behind us and no words were spoken between us. She pressed her lips against mines and put her hands under my dress squeezing my ass. One thing I like is she has muscles like a dude. She definitely way stronger than what I'll ever be. An I love that she's not too masculine or too girly. She's a very blunt person and overall I'm attracted to her personality. But she also has beautiful long blonde hair, light skin, hazel eyes, and that tongue piercing makes her sexier. After we had sex for a while I just curled up next to her and just admired her. I really did fall in love with her and I think now was the time to say it.

Lele: I love you

Patricia: ...............

Lele: It's okay if you don't say it back I'll be fine no one ever going to love me and I'll never find the person I met to be with

Patricia: It's not that and I love you too but I haven't been honest with you and your probably gonna hate me after this

Lele: You cheated on me didn't you. Of course you did everyone cheats. There must be something seriously wrong with me for every person I been with to either cheat or leave me

Patricia: I'm not cheating for once......your actually the first person I been faithful too but that's not what I'm trying to tell you

Lele: Then your leaving me

Patricia: Lele shut up and listen

Lele: ......................

Patricia: The truth is I went to jail because I was accused of hurting a man and causing brain damage. I was charged with attempted murder and that person was Marcus your ex husband. I'm the women you put behind bars all those years and when I got out I had no intentions on being with you. I really wanted to kick your ass at the bar that day and the grocery store. Also Jayda is my ex girlfriend and we were planning on hurting you. Not kill you or anything but I just wanted you to feel what I felt for years behind bars. After your sister caught me and Jayda together and I found out Jayda was cheating on me I started thinking things over. I eventually ran into your sister and best friend again and they told me about this Miya who I already knew about and just everything and what she did to you and what your life was like. I realized you suffered enough. Then you helped me see my daughter again and you are just such a sweet person and I fell in love with you. I want you to move in with me and I want you to divorce Quan and marry me

Lele: I don't know if I should break up with you right now, curse you out, or what

Patricia: I understand if it's over between us

Lele: I'm so sorry for what I did I just don't know what to say right now

Patricia: Say your going to move in and marry me

Lele: But Quan will kill me if I snitch

Patricia: I'll protect you I promise

Lele: I'm really sorry for everything and what happened to you in prison

Patricia: I shouldn't have slept with your husband

Lele: So I should have took responsibilities for my actions

Patricia: It's not too late

Lele: What do you mean

Patricia: If your really sorry go clear my name for me. Go to the prescient and tell them it was you

Author Message

What is Lele going to do?

A) Turn her self in and confess

B) Not turn herself in

C) Leave Patricia

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone.

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