She Lied

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We sit together on our couch. She is curled up by my side, under my arm. We were watching the movie she picked but she fell asleep a quarter way through. She promised me she would stay awake this time but I guess she lied.

It's better than some other lies she has told. Like when we were first dating. She told me she liked a lot of what I liked. However those were lies. When we moved in together she would get mad when I would play the video games she said she adored.

Another lie she told was when our relationship was getting more mature. "You're my first." she said so pleasantly, I later found out she slept with one of my friends a year before we got together. I wouldn't have minded so much if I had just been told outright, oh well.

She once told me she was an inspiring artist when we first met. I remembered that and took her to the arts district in the city for our first date.That's when she told me she wasn't a fan of art. I could understand that lie a bit. Sometimes you just want to make yourself seem more interesting to someone you've never met before.

I guess I haven't always super truthful either now that I've looked back. I lied to her about going to the gym everyday. I haven't gone in months. I just need to get away so I go to a bar and play pool with whoever wants to play.

I lie about not seeing what she does when she thinks I'm out.

I lie about not knowing that she is going to any minute inform me about she is pregnant with my kid.

Then I'll lie about being so happy and excited to be a new daddy.

I know I could confront her any moment but she seems so happy and content doing the things that she does. I don't want to hurt her even though she has practically destroyed me.

Maybe one day I'll just walk in on her with her other man in our bed together and I won't just back down and sneak out. Maybe I'll over react and kick her out along with her new fling.

I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

She starts to stir by my side. She looks up at me through sleepy eyes and messy hair.

"I love you" she lied.

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