I'm 5'7, which is actually pretty tall at my school cause all the girls at my school are really short.
I can't sleep without socks, it's a problem.
When I am bored, I put on a tiara and sunglasses, it just makes me feel fabulous.
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The only makeup I wear is mascara, why do guys get the best eyelashes?
I don't really brush my hair that often, it's really thick and long so it takes a long time to brush so usually I just don't.
I have a really bad sock tan cause last summer I didn't have any sandals to wear.
Before I go to sleep sometimes I count how many hours of sleep I am going to get.
I am a big believer in if the time is all the same, then I have to make a wish.
For example, usually every 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 10:10, 11:11, and 12:12 I make a wish and tell someone else to make a wish.
You bet your tiara that if the clock reads 3:31, I am gonna drop whatever I am doing and wait those two minutes watching the clock so I don't have to miss the make a wish.
Once I went ice skating and I was okay at it so it somehow entered into my head that I was really good, so during spring break this year I went ice skating with my sister and it turns out I am really horrible at it and I fell and landed like Cleopatra and I just stayed there. On the ice. Lying like a model. But I wasn't. I got bruises on my legs for weeks after that.
Sometimes if I know I'm dressed cute and I'm with my friends and they know what's up, I have them take pictures of me cause I like to think that I could model one day but probably not.
For instance-
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I like eating chocolate but I don't like eating chocolate ice cream is that weird? I think it is.
I think the only thing I would be really scared of is if a crow wouldn't fly away if I tried to chase it off, goddamn Divergent and the crows.
If someone got me a flower crown, I would totally wear it all the time. But then again, flower crowns are only for Ashton Irwin so...
I make myself laugh so hard I start crying, but I'm not sure that's a good thing if I am the funniest person I know.
This chapter started out as facts and then it turned into some random weird stuff so idek anymore.