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So in this story we will have Derrick Williams, Ryan, Rayne and Raycer McMurray. They will be our mains.

THIS IS A BOY ON BOY ON BOY ON BOY, MAN ON MAN ON MAN ON MAN. DICK AND ANUS.ASS FUCKING. INCEST. ARE WE CLEAR? I sure the fuck hope so. Here is another petpev of mine. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT GRAMMAR ERRORS, SPELLING ERRORS OR FUCKING TYPING ERRORS. DO NOT CORRECT ME. DON'T ASK TO EDIT MY SHIT. I FUCKING KNOW IT'S THERE. I'M LAZY. I DON'T CARE. DON'T FUCKING JUDGE ME. YOU WILL PISS ME OFF. I love my people. I am a happy go lucky person as long as you don't judge me then I will go 0 to bitch in like no seconds at all. I'm the baby of 15 I get enough shit from my sibs. Writing is a fun thing for me but kill joys like to ruin it for me and it is part of the reason I stopped writing on here. I got tired of "let me edit your stories they would be so much better." Then it wouldnt be mine. You would change shit and it would be ours. I don't share well so no fuck no. Okay enough ranting I'm sorry. See this is why I stopped writing. Well that and writers block.

Once Upon a Time there is a young man name Derek Williams. He lived with his family in a pack in southern part of the the newly discovered country. From day one he knew he was different. Nobody treated him different nobody acted any different towards him. He just knew. He was not Noble he was not brave he wasn't anything. In their pack you were either Brave a noble a knight a warrior or learned some sort of trade. Derrick was none of these and had no trades he could do.

As the werewolf Derek felt incomplete. He prayed to the goddess that his mate would forgive his laziness. The Alpha king decided that he was going to make Derek something. So the Alpha king decided to make him the honorary Royal bookkeeper.

Derek's job was to record all new births matings and deaths of the pack. This ment writing down, recording and officiating all documents. And believe it or not this was a tiring job.

They're pack had over 5000 members. And were the largest werewolf Clan in the whole world . And Derek was responsible for all their beginnings and ends. He finally felt like he was important.

He had his own office that people came and went signing one ledger or another. It always saddened him when a loved one would come and sign a death notice of a loved one who passed. It would over joy him when a child's birth was recorded and the happy parent would let him cuddle while filling all the information in about the bundle or bundles of joy he held in his arms. He would fill the love of the newly mated couples as the walked in on a cloud of love and lust. New pack member always smelled of nervousness and awe. But deep down he wanted the love and lust cloud to be under his feet or that bundle of joy to be his. He wanted to leave the office and go home to his mate and family at the end of the day.

Derek sighed as he cleaned up his office at the end of the day. It had been slow and he had already organized all the ledgers and crated up another months worth to be stored in the dungeons. Peoe were to busy and excited about the Alpha King and his family returning. The future kings will be returning to their kingdom after traveling for the last three years. They were building relations with other kingdoms and learning about this new world we have moved to. He was scared. The future kings scared him with their handsome faces and God like bodies. His mouth watered at the though and other areas rose to attention as he mentally imagined them.

"Home, I need to go home." He said out loud as he headed for the door. Once out he locked it and headed down the cool corridor towards his two room suite.

His little suite was perfect for him. It had a sitting area, a kitchenette and a huge bedroom with a working bathing area and toilet. The perks of living in the castle and not in the village like his family. Although his family had similar perks like indoor plumbing.

Once Derek arrived home he fixed himself a bowl of left over mushroom soup while he heated water for his bath. His feet were tired and he had a oncoming headache. He opened his balcony curtains a allowed the smells from the garden below to gently fill his room. He lite candles and a lamp before setting down to enjoy his soup.

His bath was warm and relaxing and the smells from the garden allowed his room to smell wonderful. His bed was given to him by the Luna Queen she adored him and said he worked hard and deserved to sleep like a King. It was soft and hugh and the bedding felt great against his naked skin.

From his bed he could see the moon. It was in its waning crescent phase which ment a little over a fortnight until the next full moon. As a pack we would run. But this time would be different. This time it would be with the future Alpha Kings.

As Derek laid there he prayed to the Goddess of the Moon to bring him his forever happiness and guide him down the path that will make him worthy. Little did Derek know his world would change for the worse before it changed for the good.

A/N: okay my lovely readers, to those of you who have read my shit before I'm trying something new. For those of you who haven't welcome. I hope you all enjoy this and continue to read my shit if not thanks for stopping by.

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