My Life Before Him.

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Being eighteen and living on a farm wasn't as easy as it seems, you wake up at five am, feed the animals, clean up after them, milk the cows and collect the eggs, to be honest that was the easy part.

Then take a shower and get ready, make breakfast for my family, my baby sister Ella who just turned one, my mom Carol and dad Stan, how could I forget my brother Jacob who's 19 and in college, a lot of people have asked my parents why I wasn't in college like my brother, it's because my parents believed I shouldn't go to college, I should wait for some rich city man to swop me up off my feet and be a some kind of trophy wife.

I felt like my life was worth more, I wanted to go to a culinary school, become the best pastry chef, some guy would order a croissant, when I hand him his bag our hands would touch then our eyes would meet and in that moment we would fall in love love, get married and have three kids but some dreams are better off thought than done.

My day would continue by me looking after Ella while going into town to do some errands, I would be there little maid, clean the house, cook three times a day, do the shopping and go pay the bills, basically I was in training to become a good wife.

As I walked through the streets Ella on my hips, some guys would glance at me, give me a certain look, like you're pretty or I want to get into your pants, my parents would never allow me to date them it's not like I want to, they're either too nice or a pig, I know what a lot of people think, what's wrong with a nice guys? Well I'll tell you what's wrong, nice guys in this town love two things working and their mothers, nothing's wrong with working hard but their mothers are a lot like mine controlling want what's best and just like my parents they wanted a specific type of life for their children.

And for quite some time a simple life is what I wanted, not the life my parents envisioned for me but a quiet life, a nice husband on a small farm some kids just something simple But all that changed when I met Norman Reedus.

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