As I was walking in Wonderland to the tea party I was really excited to have my friend Dorothy from Kansas coming to the tea party, I hope everyone likes her. I could see the party and Dorothy was there. The Mad Hatter saw me and said in a loud voice "Awe our dear friend Alice has made it to the party, Alice we are so glad you are here! Your dear friend Dorothy was telling us a story about her going to a wonderful place called Oz." I sat down next to Dorothy and we said our hello's and started the tea party and talking about wonderful story's and how our life is going. I talked about how I was proposed to and how I never told him if I wanted to marry him or not.
*Skip tea party*
As we finished I saw it was getting late and I walked with Dorothy to our homes. As we were saying our goodbyes we heard somebody yell "CYCLONE" I looked at the hole for me to leave and told Dorothy to jump down as I bent down to jump in I was picked up by the cyclone. I wasn't sure where it was taking me but I knew I was gonna go far.
*Skip cyclone ride*
When I felt the cyclone die down I started falling when I was put into a bubble. The bubble floated down to the ground then popped. I fell to the ground and landed on my bum. I looked up to see a woman in a big pink dress with a dress. She looked like a fairy of some type. She looked at me and said "Hello child I am the good witch of the east. What's your name?" "I'm Alice, where am I?" I asked. She said "Well child you are in the land of Oz."

Alice In Oz
JugendliteraturWe all know the great story's "Alice In Wonderland" and "The Wizard Of Oz." Well this is a mix between the two. This story is about how Alice has to make her way home through Oz and she meets some new people and some old. My friend Lynnafred is writ...