Liar liar,pants on fire

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Nick,Elena,Gregg,Jacqueline and Natasha were the best of friends since childhood. They grew together, studied in the same school. Even their parents were good friends.

Natasha was the youngest amongst all. She was a seventeen year old girl. All her friends were 18 except Elena who would turn 18 the coming week. Elena had planned her 18th bday party at Vista club in her town. Everyone was super excited for the party.

Natasha was excited as well for the party, but to her luck she had an exam the following day and there was not even a slight chance that her parents would have allowed her for elena's party. But because of the pressure of her friends she thought of an idea for going to the party.

Finally,the day for the party arrived. Natasha was very excited. She packed all her things that she would be needing for the party. She told her mother that she had to do some group studies with Elena and Jacqueline and therefore she would be staying at Jacqueline's place for the night. Being an obedient child Natasha's parents trusted her and allowed her to go to Jacqueline's place for studying.

At Jacqueline's place, she and Jacqueline got ready for Elena's party. When they reached the club, the bouncer at the gate asked them for their age passes. Jacqueline quickly showed hers and a fake one for Natasha, and both entered the club. Over there they met Elena,Nick and Gregg and some other friends from school. They greeted Elena and gave her the presents.

Natasha had not planned to stay at the party for long,since she had an exam the following day and had to study. Therefore, after an hour she decided to leave the party. " Hey guys!! Gotta go. And btw Elena thanks for the wonderful party mann. I loved it.",she said but her friends forced her to stay a bit longer. In the end she gave up and stayed for the rest of the party. Later in the party since most of them were 18 they started drinking. Natasha thought that it was her cue to leave the party. As soon as she was about to leave Elena came with a glass of wine and offered her. Natasha refused at first but after the emotional blackmail from Elena and her friends she gave into peer pressure and drank it.
After some time she had lost the count of glasses she drank and was completely drunk. Just as the party was about to get over, some cops barged in the club and started arresting people for underage drinking. Natasha along with some others from her school was arrested.

They were taken to the police station. Fear ran through Natasha's veins. She was terrified. Parents of the arrested were called. When Natasha saw her parents her face became pale. She was crying copiously and was apologizing to her parents and the police. It was a shock for Natasha's parents to see her behind the bars.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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