Chapter Five

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The rest of the week was awkward at best. I did, however, take Kirsten's words to heart and I spent my downtime being persistent. He wouldn't talk to me, expect when we were in scenes together, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I'd leave him little notes, everywhere...on set, in his trailer, on his chair, basically every location I knew that he'd see them. I'd leave him hot cups of coffee at his chair in the make-up trailer. I did whatever I could to keep myself at the forefront of his thinking. I also wanted him to know just how sorry I was for ruining our date.

I looked forward to our moments together in front of the camera. In total, we only filmed three scenes that week but each scene meant that I could live vicariously through Isabelle and relish the intimate moments. There had been two on screen kisses shared between us and each one was ingrained in my brain. The feel of his arms wrapped around me. The warmth of his body pressed against mine, the softness of his lips and the feel of his hair between my fingers at the base of his skull. The electricity that coursed through my body and the overwhelming feelings that washed over me. I wished each scene not to end and, honestly, screwed up on purpose once or twice just to keep them going. But as it had to, the scenes would end and I would stop being Isabelle and I'd once again have to be Jamie, faced with the sadness of knowing that Matthew would turn and walk away.

It was an emotionally draining week, and come Saturday night I was exhausted. Carter had called earlier and asked if I'd be joining them at the bar tonight but I opted out. Being around them was just a stark reminder of how badly things had turned south with Gubler and frankly, I was too tired to deal with it. The stillness was broken when my phone started to beep. I glanced at the screen, quickly picking it up, making sure I was reading the text correctly...

Gubler: Are you at home?

Jamie: Yeah, I'm home.

Gubler: Mind if I come over? We need to talk.

Jamie: You sure you don't want me to meet you somewhere? My place is a bit out of the way for you.

Gubler: Well...I'm actually not that far away.

Jamie: Okay, I will be here.

The nerves kicked in. Chris had told me that two things would probably happen: he would either give in to my persistence and forgive me or he'd tell me to just fuck off and get out of his life. I really hoped that he wasn't coming over to tell me the later.

My breathing was erratic; my heart was beating hard against my ribcage. I tried to calm myself down, but the cloud of unknown that hung over me was too much. I paced the room, back and forth, the only noise was the sound of my shoes squeaking across the hardwood floors.

Time passed so slowly. It seemed like an eternity but when the doorbell finally echoed throughout the silent house, I wasn't prepared to face him. I stood with my hand on the doorknob, took a couple deep breaths and opened the door.

"Hi," I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. My heart had started to beat faster, but at this point I wasn't sure if it was from the nervousness of what he was about tell me or because it just seemed to happen every time I saw him.

He didn't say a word, just walked through the doorway and into my living room, plopping down in the middle of my couch. I closed my eyes, willing myself to just calm down. I shut the door and turned towards Gubler, making my way over to the chair that sat across from him.

His eyes were glued to me as I took my seat. They felt like they were boring a hole through me, his words finally breaking the stillness.

"Jamie...I can't do this anymore."

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