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**Not Edited**
Shout out to SierraLeone__ for helping me write this chapter.

Omnipresent-A week and a half later

Anaya had been locked in room down in the basement for the past couple of days. The only time she had any type interaction with other people was when Andreas came downstairs. Speaking of Andreas he walked into the room sipping on a drink. "Good morning sunshine." He said with a huge smile. Anaya scurried away because she knew he only wanted two thing, sex or to hurt her. And seeing as how he was happy that only left one option. "What do you want?" His smile grew. "I just want to talk, unless you want to do something else." She shook her head. He reached into his pocket pulling out a pregnancy test. "Go take it." She stayed in her spot staring at the test. She honestly didn't want to take because she knew was late, but she was in denial. She figured not knowing was better than knowing at all. "Get your ass up and go take the test." She grabbed the test and walked into the bathroom.



I was sitting on the floor staring at the pregnancy test just waiting. "Dear god please just let me be late. Please lord." I said sending up a silent prayer. I check the test again and still no results. I kept checking until I finally got my answer. I got up and walked into the room and threw the test on the bed. "Wow." He said looking at it as I sat back down in spot not saying a word. He looked up at me with a huge ass smile. "I would have thought you would have been happy considering how much you love kids and all." I slowly turned my head towards him squinting my eyes as I looked at him. "I can't have this baby." I mumbled to myself. I looked up at him. "I already told you I didn't want to get pregnant." I said annoyed. "And the fact that I don't know which one of you stupid asshole is the father makes this 1000x worse." He smile dropped and he shook his head. "Well get over it because you're having this kid." I rolled my eyes when he said that. He completely ignored what I said about not knowing who the father is. God what did I even see in him. "And what happens if you're not the father?" he stood there looking at me. "Well if it comes down to it...." He paused making eye contact. "You'll just have to have another one."



We all had just gotten back from Florida with no new information and the only thing I wanted was to be with my kids. I was driving back to my house with the girls in the back knocked out. I managed to get the girls inside and in bed. I was walking into the kitchen and I saw my maid Jelena cleaning. "Welcome back Mr. Romano." I nodded in her direction. "Sir?" she asked hesitantly. "What?" She avoided eye contact with me. "Well there was this man wondering around out front. I didn't think anything until I saw him messing with your mail box." I looked at her confused. "What was he doing at my mail box?" She shrugged. "I don't know but after security told him to leave I went and checked and I found this." I looked down as she slid a folded up piece of paper. "Uhh thanks for watching the place on short notice you can have the rest of the week off." I said as I walked off.

*Sunday 10:30*

I finally read the note that Jelena gave me the other day. Once I finished reading it I wanted to go over to Mason's place and put a fucking bullet in his head. The reason I hadn't yet was because of Anaya. I was sitting in my office when all the guys walked in. "So what's going on?" Hassan asked as they all sat down. "Yeah you sounded a little tense." Chris said. I turned around and tossed the letter on the desk, so they could read it.

The Letter:

Wassup little bro. Anaya has been in New Orleans with me and Andreas. She's been a good girl these past couple of months. The only reason I'm telling you this is because Andreas has lost his motherfucking mind and I think Anaya is in serious danger. Meet me at Nipsey's on Sunday @ 11.


"Shit let's go." Jason said standing up. I just sat there not saying anything. "Giovanni?" I glanced at them. "We're going to get her back. Believe that because that's my little sister. Now get ya ass up and let's go." Hassan said. I nodded grabbed my phone and called one of the girls to come watch my babies.



I was sitting upstairs looking down at all the people dancing and walking around the club. As I'm looking towards the door and I happened to see Giovanni and his little goons walk in. "I knew he would show up." I said as I sat down waiting for them to come upstairs. "Boss. Romano and his men are here." I told him to let them up. "Gentlemen." Giovanni charged at me punching me in the face repeatedly. His people pulled him off of me. I stood up and wiped the blood off of my lip. "You feel better." He jerked out of there hold and went and sat down. "Now that you have that off your chest, you ready to listen." They all stared at me. "Go ahead ask your questions." They all glanced at each other except for Giovanni, he never took his eyes off of me. "Why did you take her?" "How do you know Andreas?" I sighed and began telling them everything.

"Andreas was pissed that you stole Anaya from him." I said as I pointed at Giovanni. "And as far as knowing him. We grew up together before I moved." "What was in it for you?" I sat back drinking my Cîroc. "He convinced me to help him by saying I would get to fuck her." I said with a shrug. The room fell silent once I finished telling them everything. No one spoke we all just sat there. "I want to know what you two have been doing to her." Our heads all turned to Giovanni to see him staring at me. I shook my head because I knew that shit would fuck him up. "I can't tell you what we..." "Tell me." I looked at him before rolling my eyes. "We both took turns fucking Anaya; we shared her up until a couple of weeks ago when he started keeping her all to himself. He has her locked down in the basement with a key that only he has." "Why?" Hassan said.

"Because we found out that she was sneaking in birth control pills. I will admit that I was pissed, but Dre was the one that snapped. That's when he locked her in the room downstairs. Every night he goes down there for hours all you can hear is her screams. Not just small screams, but loud blood curdling screams." I looked over all of their expressions. "I know I've done a lot of shit to you and especially to Anaya but I'm trying to help you bring her home." He looked at me as he swiped his hand over his. "What do you have in mind?"


Andreas - 4 Days Later-Thursday

I pulled Anaya upstairs into the living room. "There's a doctor coming to check on you and the baby. Sit." She sat down immediately. Ever since she found out that she was pregnant she hasn't been speaking. Whenever I asked her a question she just sits there with a blank expression on her face. We sat there in awkward silence until there was knock on the door. I answered the door to see my cousin Olivia standing there. "Hey Dre." I nodded my head and stepped aside so she could come in. I led her into the living room where Anaya sat staring at nothing in particular. "What is wrong with her?" Olivia whispered. I shook my head. "You must be Anaya I'm Andreas's cousin, Dr. Harvey or you can call me Olivia. Let's get started." She said with a smile. "Anaya go ahead and lay back and raise up your shirt." She gasped when she saw all the bruise that covered her body. She turned and looked at me. "Do I want to know what you've been doing to this girl?" she whispered. I avoided her eye contact and I turned away from her, she shook her head as she turned back to Anaya.

"Alright everything looks good. You're only a few weeks along. I gave Andreas the prescription for your vitamins. Do you have any questions for me?" She continued to sit there in silence. The entire time Olivia was explaining the stuff about the baby Anaya barley paid any attention. "Well... I guess I'll go, but if you do have any questions just call." I walked Olivia to the front door. "When do you think we could get a D.N.A. test done?" She looked at me not saying anything at first. "When she's about 4 or 5 months." I nodded and we said our goodbyes. I walked back into the living room to see Anaya sitting there frozen. "Fuck is your problem? You're having a kid and you're acting like you don't even care." She turned her head and looked at me. "Can I go now?" those were her first words in like a week. "Nah since ya ass don't want to speak you're going to stay by my side everywhere I go until you do."



I really hope this makes sense because I rewrote this chapter like four times. So if yall are confused about anything let me know so I can explain. Anyways hope you all enjoy.

***Ooo can yall guess where I got the name of club from?***

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