Chapter Three

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"I still can't believe you," I said, shaking my head. "How could you let me drink so much, and how could you let me bring that girl home?"

Troian gave me a skeptical look. "When did I become your babysitter? You're a grown ass woman."

"You don't drink alcohol though," I pointed out, still frustrated with myself, but taking it out on my friend. "I thought you'd have my back when Megan bought all those shots."

I had met up with Troian at a coffee shop near campus. We hadn't spoken since our night out at Peggy's, a little over a week ago when I'd unintentionally brought home the new bartender. I wasn't purposely avoiding my friend though; I wasn't even really that mad anymore. But I'd been out of town on a research trip over Spring Break, so I hadn't had the opportunity to see her since that night.

Troian was appalled that I hadn't taken advantage of the situation, while I was equally horrified that I'd gotten myself into that situation in the first place. I normally had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol and knew my limit, but when it came to hard liquor, I tended to overdue it.

"I do have your back," Troian replied. "Which is why I let you have fun." She pursed her lips in disappointment. "I can't believe you didn't tap that when you had the chance. That girl is seriously cute."

"How can you tell?" I snorted. "You've never looked at another girl since you and Nik started dating, back at the Beginning of Time."

My best friend shrugged. "I don't feel so guilty when Nik looks, too."

"I'm trying to be a better person," I sighed. "We all know I haven't had the best track record when it comes to women." I paused and took a sip of my coffee. I was trying to cut back, but like my students, my caffeine consumption steadily skyrocketed the closer the semester came to a close. "I'm like a bull in a china shop when it comes to emotions."

"I can appreciate you wanting to do things right in your next relationship, but what I don't understand is why now?" Troian asked over her oversized mug. Everything was oversized in comparison to her. "Are you having a mid-life crisis? Is this what I have to look forward to when I'm old like you?"

I made a face. Troian was younger than me, but only by a few years. She liked to tease me about my advanced age as much as I liked to taunt her about her diminutive stature.

"If I was having a mid-life crisis I'd be buying a red sports car and dating a girl half my age."

"Ohhhh." Troian nodded her head sagely. "So that explains your crush on Winter Jacket."

"That's not it at all!" I hushed, feeling an involuntarily blush creep onto my cheeks.

Troian smirked. "I don't know why you don't just ask her out."

"Are we still talking about Megan?"

"Or Hunter." Troian leaned back in her chair and smiled even wider than before. "You seem to have some options, lucky girl."

I took a final drink from my mug before standing up. "I have to go," I said, ignoring her blatant teasing. "I have student meetings."

I pulled on my jacket to prepare for the Winter that refused to go away. The Ground Hog had said only six more weeks of Winter. This season, however, was further proof that you should never trust a rodent with the weather forecast. It was nearly April, and we still had a few feet of snow on the ground.

"Is one of those meetings with Winter Jacket?"

I made an uncomfortable noise in the back of my throat. "Maybe."

Troian grinned. "Awesome. I wanna hear all about it when she's gone."

I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder. "Maybe."

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