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It had been a long day of working and you couldn't wait for your head to hit your pillow. This case was particularly gruesome – a man was going around cutting the lips off of women, and without any leads, Hotch had let you all go back to the hotel to get some rest.

Each team member had already gone off to their own hotel rooms to clean up and turn in for the night, except for you and Spencer.

You and Spencer had been in a relationship for almost an entire year without telling the team. There was protocol prohibiting any workplace relationships, but after trying hold back your feelings for one another, you decided there was no way you two could be apart. That's when you began your secret relationship, successfully hiding it from your teammates.

You and Spencer had walked to the vending machine to grab a beverage, then walked back to your hotel rooms, discussing the case. Your hotel rooms weren't right next to each other, so when you got to yours, you both stopped to say goodbye.

"Well... I guess I'll see you in the morning" you whispered softly as you gave him a quick hug.

"Have a good night, sweetie" Spencer embraced you back, then gave you a kiss that lasted a little longer than it should have.

You started giggling, then tried to muffle it with your hand. "Spence, we can't do this here"

"I know, I know... I love you, Y/N" he said in a hushed voice.

"I love you too, Spence" you whispered back.

After lingering out in the hall for entirely too long, you both finally parted ways and went to your own hotel rooms.

You immediately took a long, hot shower; afterwards, you wrapped one towel around your head and one around your body, then padded into the main room. You rummaged through your go-bag to look for your pajamas, but after thoroughly looking, you realized you accidently grabbed one of Spencer's t-shirts instead of a pair of your pajamas.

It wasn't like you hadn't worn one of his shirts to bed before – in fact, you did frequently, which is probably why you accidentally packed one. You held it up and thought about it – it wouldn't be a big deal, right? It was just for sleeping in... no one on the team would see you... plus, they never saw Spencer wearing t-shirts, so they probably wouldn't recognize it as his anyway.

You slipped on his over-sized t-shirt and a pair of shorts and crawled into bed. After wrestling around for an hour, you sat up – the case was weighing too heavily on your mind. You flipped on the lights and pulled out the case files to go over them again. You laid them out across the bed, and starting reading and pacing the floor.


It had been almost 3 hours of pacing, going through evidence, and going over the profile again and again. And you had gotten nowhere. You sat down on the bed and rubbed your forehead, when you heard a knock at the door. You looked over at the clock which read 2:23. Who would be knocking on your door at this hour?

You walked to the door and looked through the peephole – it was Emily.

You smiled and opened the door. "Hi Em! What are you doing?"

You opened the door wide enough for her to walk through and she came in and plopped down on your bed. "I see you also haven't stopped thinking about this case. I was in my room for hours before I started pacing the halls - when I saw your light was still on, I thought we could put our heads together"

You sat on the bed next her. "There has got to be something we're missing, right? I mean, I've looked over the evidence and profile so many times..." You paused when you saw that she had a puzzled look on her face. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Isn't that Spencer's shirt?"

Oh crap. You forgot that you were wearing that.

You tried to think quickly of an excuse as to why you would be wearing Spencer's shirt. "I uh... like to buy men's shirts to wear to bed so I don't feel so alone... Spencer must have the same one" So you don't feel so alone? Why were you such a bad liar?

"I've seen him wear it when I was at J.J.'s and he was babysitting Henry..." Emily gave a suspicious look then leaned in to sniff your shirt. "It even smells like Spencer's cologne..."

Frickin' Spencer and his good smelling, very distinct cologne...

"Oh yeah, uh... erm..." you ran out of ideas. Apparently you were very bad at lying... you sighed and decided to just tell her. "Alright, fine! It's Spencer's shirt!"

Emily's face twisted into a confused expression. "But... why are you wearing... are you... OH MY GOD are you and Spencer together?!" she stood up and shouted.

"Emily! Keep your voice down – these walls aren't sound proof!" you said in a hushed voice.

"How long has this been going on?!" she continued to question.

"About a year..."

"A YEAR?!" she shouted again.

"EM!" you tried to get her to lower her voice again.

She ignored your request to stay quiet and continued. "This is so great! I've always thought you two would be great together!!" she gave you a tight hug.

Her excitement made you smile. You hadn't really been able to talk to anyone about your relationship with Spencer, and being able to share it with one of your close friends was a weight off of your shoulders.

Emily went into the mini fridge in the hotel room and got out two of those little bottles of alcohol some hotels have and handed one to you. "So... how did this happen?!" she asked as she took a sip.

You laughed and took a sip of yours. "Well... I don't even know! He would come over after cases and we would watch television or get dinner and we just kept getting closer and closer... and after a few months he finally took me out on a proper date"

Emily's wide smile slowly turned into a somber look. "Y/N... isn't there protocol against this?"

Your face immediately matched her somber look. "Yeah... we were still going on a few dates when Spence looked into that. We decided that we needed to break it off, but being apart was too painful, so we decided to take our chances of being together"

"Well, since a group full of profilers didn't know that you two were dating, I would say you two have done an excellent job of keeping it a secret!" Emily laughed.

"Yeah... about that... can we keep this between us?" you gave her a pleading look.

"Anything for my new favorite couple" Emily winked as she clinked her little bottle to yours. You both giggled and sat cross legged on your bed and had some much needed girl talk.

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