Chapter 1

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"Please introduce yourself for the video."
"My name Is Arthur Kirkland and I'm a marine biologist." I stared into the camera, nudging my work mate's arm when he didn't say his part.
"Oh, my name is Matthew Williams. I'm a marine biologist and a doctor." He stared at his feet and avoided the camera entirely. The tall, serious man beside him coughed.
"I am Ludwig Beilschmidt. I am, also, a marine biologist and our team are going to be searching for new species of fish along the coasts of Spain and documenting our finds as we go along."
The camera stopped running and we all let out a sigh of releif. I scoweld as Francis, our boss, rushed over to Matthew and poked his nose before saying.
"Well done Mattie!" Matthew just smiled awkwardly at him.
"Right!" He chirped, his hair bouncing on his shoulders. "I plan to have you in a boat on the local coast, only three miles from here, by Tuesday."
"What? That gives us one day!" I snapped.
"Oy,Tuesday is the time I could get and the best time for you to find anything good." Francis snapped back.
"I agree it is a little short notice but I guess that's just how it is. What time do we meet up?" Ludwig clicked his pen and began to write things down.
"You will be meeting at the shore at two fifteen on the dot." Oh I could just punch him in his face, that is if I want to lose my job. I stood and left the room, knowing Francis wouldn't care.
"Two fifteen, angleterre!" He yelled after me.
I had gotten this job because I loved the ocean and the things in it, from fish to coral to the bright, vibrant colours. To get the job however, meant leaving my home in England and moving to Spain. I hardly knew my team mates, only that Matthew is close to our boss and from Canada and that Ludwig is without a doubt German.
"Tuesday, two fifteen. New species." I mumbled while scribbling in a notepad I bought before I left.

-time skip-


I blocked the sun with my hand, it was two fifteen on tuesday and I was sat on the wall overlooking the sea at the place Francis had said. The sun was bright, and an almost painful heat burning on my face.
"Hello Matthew." Arthur slumped onto the empty space next to me and wiped his forehead. "Bloody hell it's hot."
"Yeah, I agree." I liked Arthur, he was easy to talk to and had a good sense in music. He span to look at the ocean and smiled a little, his shoulders relaxing. I didn't say anything, not wanting to disturb that peaceful feeling.
"Bonjour!" Francis yelled at the top of his lungs and ran over, waving his hands in the air. Arthur span and scowled at him, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Where's Ludwig?" He looked around and saw Ludwing making his way towards us, a confused look on his face.
"Ah, sorry. I don't know much spanish and got lost. I'm usually a lot more organised than this." Francis placed a shaky hand on his shoulder, having to stand on his toes to not feel intimidated by the man.
"No problem with that! I only just got here myself." There was a moment of awkward silence so I stood and coughed, stopping the death glare Arthur was giving Francis.
"So which boat is ours?" I asked, shoving my social fears aside and pushin my glasses further up my nose when they slipped.
"Oh, the white and blue one with a dolphin painted on the side." We all wandered along, searching for the right boat. When we saw it, I seemed to be the only one exited.
"It's new!?" I ran over and hopped inside, making it rock slightly. Francis laughed and explained a few things to Ludwig and Arthur while I explored and inspected the boat. I loved the feeling of being in the middle of nowhere, with no one else screaming or telling me what to do. If I wanted to jump into the ocean and swim for two hours then I could.
"Um, Matthew?" Ludwig tapped my shoulder.
"Oui?" He glanced awkwardly towards the window.
"Arthur says we're leaving now so I brought your things on board." Ludwig passed me my suitcase with a maple leaf print.
"Thank you-" There was a sudden sound of the engine starting up and Arthur yelling from the front of the boat.
"Yes!" The boat started to move and I rushed over to wave to Francis, him being my closest friend I could never leave without saying goodbye.
"Good luck mon ami!" We were too far away to reply, so I just waved before turning and taking a seat at the tiny table against the window.
"I'm going to get some sleep if that's alright with you two." I said, a little louder than I would usually as the engine was loud.
"What? Did you not get enough before we left?" Ludwig was sat on the table on the other side of the boat, looking a little concerned.
"Eh, too exited. I love the coasts of Spain, they're just so beautiful." I rested my head on my arm and fell asleep almost immedeately.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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