Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Here I am, waking up for another great day of school, woo. Note my sarcasm.

I rush down stairs, to get my favourite cereal, COCO POPS. I quickly down it because I was already late, but I mean come on how could I not have my coco pops. Oh guess what, my bus isn't there. seriously. Why today? So I run to school, and get about a thousand students and teachers staring at me, like a fool.

I try to ignore the stares as I take the books I will need for the next class, then slam my locker shut angrily. Then this ginger kid walked up to me, his lip curled up in disgust as he looks me up and down. Okay, I get it.  I woke up late and I might look like Medusa, but this kid can't say anything to me. He looks like a freakin pig.

"Ew your hair is slightly messy by the way." The ginger kid says with a very chavy voice.

" 'Cause you look any better, don't you?" I replied and started walking away to my class.

Then I went to my next lesson, maths. yet again it was boring, same old shit. After the lunch bell has finally rang, I was bored out of my mind. I went to sit at my usual table, the one popular people call 'the nerd table'.  Its not like I'm a nerd or anything, I just didn't want to get asked useless questions again. I tried to quickly eat my food and ignore everyone around me. Then a smirking figure with dark curly hair walked up to me. Guess who it was? Yup, that's right, Harry.

"Why are you sitting here again? I thought I asked you to sit with us yesterday." Harry asked. Did he seriously want me to sit with them again after what happened last time? Not happening.

"Are you serious? Did you not see what happened last time?" I asked not moving from my seat. Suddenly I feel two strong arms wrap around me, and my weight was being lifted from the chair. I kept my eyes closed, as i enjoyed being pressed up to the hottest guy in history.

I squealed with joy. Until i opened my eyes, and saw us heading to the 'popular table', just great. i shook around until he let me go, but it was too late as we was already there. They all chuckled at how uncomfortable i was around them, i stood straight up, gave Harry a dirty look, and stormed out.

I was already near the exit, until i heard large foot steps running after me, i walked slightly faster and then i ran straight into the girl restrooms.

 I stayed there for around 15 minutes, as i poked my head round, to see Harry still there waiting, tapping on his watch. I ran out with joy. " Did you really wait for me?, I'm not even popular" i said with happiness.

"Just because your not popular doesn't mean i don't like you" Harry said in a deep voice casually shrugging. 

Does he like me? Does he even love me? Does he want to marry me? Or have my babies? Ok Im taking this too far now. I mean i would'nt mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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