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It has been a year since the war. Hermione wakes up like any morning next to Ronald Weasley like every morning since 6 months ago when she moved in with him. Though today is different because she started thinking back and realised that he has been acting weird for the past month. He's out later saying work is keeping him up but, she asked Ginny and she said that harry gets home at, the latest, 10. Not 2 or 4 in the morning, so she tried talking to him but she got told to make dinner like a good girlfriend does for her boyfriend. That was the night he started hitting and punching her.

Flashback begins
Hermione's pov

When I got home 2 years ago on the 5th year anniversary of the war Ron was already home. Right after I had shut the door to our house he did a charm I didn't know to lock the door. "R-ron what are you doing?" I asked slowly "I'm teaching you not to go sticking you nose in my business." I was stunned speechless. That was he took his belt off, and told me to bend over the dinning room table. I didn't and he hit me with the belt as hard as he could. I screamed and ran to the dinning room table and was just about to bend over when he told me " pull your pants down." If you thought I hesitated before I really hesitated then because, he then did a spell that the belt would hit me magically and would stop till I did what he wanted to. He beat me for 3 hours straight, so that he could "teach me a lesson". I knew what he was doing was wrong but he threatened to kill my parents who don't even know they have a daughter and to also kill me. That scared me so I kept my mouth shut for 2 years. But then my best friend who Ronald doesn't know about found the bruises when he grabbed my arm just a little too tight and I flinched. Ron doesn't allow me to cover the bruises that can be covered up by clothes with make up.
End flashback

I know it isn't the best but I have changed how the story is going to go because I realised when I made the story that it was rushed and I didn't like the direction the story was going in so I am editing and will continue making new chapters when I finish editing I will edit anyother stories I have and once they are all edited hopefully by the end of the summer I will then come out with a updating schedule the editing will take 1-2 days to complete.
Love you all.

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