Chapter 26

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      The whole first and second period seemed to last for ever. Maybe because people were looking at me instead of the teacher; Either way, when the bell rang after second period I was in deep need to get out of that classroom. 

I walk down to the lockers and there are people surrounding mine again. I approach and people separate like the Red Sea. I stare for a second for a second just to analyze it more. The words written on the front had ink running down making a couple letters run together but you can still get the idea. 

'Liar, slut, sneaky, back-stabber, cheater.' They all are words that are about me. True or not, they're there. 

I see a group of guys coming out of the corner of my eye and face my locker. Maybe if they see that I'm not looking at them that they won't say anything. Of course I'm not that fortunate. They surround me, and I can hardly move without rubbing up against one of them. "So, slut huh? What'd you do got pregnant?" He grins wide and smells my hair. He grabs hold of my chin and he studies my face. "You look more like a middle-school girl who doesn't have a clue in the sheets." The other guys laugh behind him making me sick to my stomach. The repulsive dude smells my hair and I whip my head to get free from his grasp. 

Another guy steps forward, cornering me again. 

"Where does the liar fit? Oh I got it! Maybe when you lied about being raped by that older guy. We all know that that was just an act, you enjoyed every minute of it didn't you?:  He grabs me from behind and wraps his arms tight around me. His eyes lingering over my face then down my side and down my thighs. 

Why isn't anyone stopping this? Maybe they all think I deserve it. 

He lets me go and nods to the other guys. They all step forward and I have no idea what's coming next but when the first guy steps close to me and nuzzles his head in my neck and then punches me in the stomach I know this isn't going to end well. I crouch and my stomach burns from the blow. They pin me to the lockers and start feeling me up everywhere.

 I can't move. 

I can't breathe. 

They have their hands wrapped around my neck making the oxygen harder to get. 

"Let go of her!" Someone yells. 

They drop me and I fall to the cold, hard tile floor curled up in a ball holding on to my stomach and trying not to pass out. They all run and whoever it was that yelled now has his hand on my hip and is talking to me. "Carla. Carla can you hear me?" I hold my head just high enough to see his face and there crouches next to me, Tyler. 

"I... I..." I can't grasp any words. They are just hanging there unable to form into a sentence. People walk by cat-calling and laughing. Tyler grimaces and picks me up and  moves my head so my face is buried in his chest comforting the numb feeling that is starting. 

"It's okay. Don't look up. Just breathe." He says softly in my ear. I listen to him and start counting to ten before noticing that he leads me down the hallway. He opens some door and we walk in.  "You're  safe now." Tyler sets me on a bench and it's the see the women's bathroom. I don't know what to say. "It's fine, I checked to make sure no one was in here. I locked the doors too." He sits next to me and I rest my arms on my knees. 

"Tyler I..." 

"You don't have to explain. I think I have a pretty good idea what happened out there."  

"Thank you." I know there is more that needs to be said. 

Like what the heck does he want with me?

"I need to talk to you and since we're alone I think this is the best place." I turn my head and look him in the eyes. 

"Yeah you need to explain a few things." 

"Okay, first of all, I am not a lying bastard Carla.. You can trust me." His eyes trying to find some understanding in mine but I look down. 

"Oh really?"  I say maybe a little too loud. 

"Ssshh will ya?" He covers my mouth. "Now, I am from New York but I already knew who Liv and you were when I met her. "

"What do you want? Are you working with Purple Devil?" The thought has occurred to me more than once. 

"No." He says plainly. "And if I did I would kill the fucking wastless piece of human shit.." His eyes filled with anger. "I have been looking for you guys for a long time. Even before Purple Devil was around." 

"What do you mean?" My head throbbing but I keep pushing. This could be my only chance at getting some answers about him. 

"Your dad had an affair with my mom." He says sitting up. "Do the math." He grins.


"So we're..." 

"Half brother and sister." 

"But, how?" I have so many questions and that is the best that I can come up with? 

"I lived in a country house out in the country, except now the house is gone. The city totaled it when we moved out. It was an older house but we kept it in good condition." He looks at me and laughs. He sees my blank expression in utter confusion. "The tunnels that was in the house led to my old house. That's how my mom and our dad... Saw each other. And that's how he also saw me." 

"You knew him?" 

"Yeah. I knew him all the way up until he disappeared." 

"Disappeared? No he left us for another woman. That's what my mom told me." 

"Well the only other woman that was in his life besides your mom was mine. He disappeared." He thumps his finger on his thigh in a nervous manner. " After he did, I started digging for information about him and stumbled upon you. But by then school was out and I heard that you were in New York with a friend." 

"So you found us and are now pretending to love Liv? How despicable!" I say trying to stand up but my legs buckle and Tyler catches me just in time before I fall again. He sits me back on the bench and takes a deep breath. 

"No. I only tried to get to you, but it all changed when I fell in love with Liv. It's real. " I look deep in his dark brown eyes and I knew he's telling me the truth. 

Dad would disappear at strange times for hours at a time and then just show back up out of nowhere like he never left. It makes sense now. 

"So are you..." I start to ask but stop because I don't know how he feels about it. 

"Yeah I am. And I wish she hadn't.. Taken care of things. I would have been there for her every step of the way." Tyler who is now my brother, stands up  and looks down at me. "Don't worry, I know about you and I won't tell. But you need to tell Eli. The longer you go the worst it's gonna be." He outstretches his hand and I take it. He helps me stand up and at first I wobble until I find my footing. 

"So is this like our first brother-sister-wisdom talks?" I ask and laugh. 

"Sure. Oh and Eli is a great guy." 

"Yeah you have been really hanging out with him a lot what's up with that?" 

"I had to make sure that he was good for you. And he is the best thing for you Carla. I still don't like your rule." He smiles half-way and I cock my head. My hand still clinging to his shoulder. My insides burn and twist with every move. 

"What rule would that be?" I say smirking because I sure as hell know what he meant. 

"NO boys in the bedroom except for Eli." He winks and starts helping me walk. 

"Well now that we are brother and sister I think I can let you in. You need to know what I'm into and all that." I roll my eyes and he opens the door. 

"Good. And if any body hurts you again I'll kill him." His head straight ahead but I can feel the intensity of his words. 

"Woah, I already have Eli, I don't need another bodyguard." 

"Too bad. Cause you have me." He holds me tighter and we walk down the halls together laughing like we've always been related. 

Dying to Save Me (Purple Devil Series #2) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now