Alive and Shattered: Chapter Eleven {Adena's POV}

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Thanks so much to the always amazing BookWorm145 for the AMAZING trailer


Adena’s POV


I brushed my hair and glanced at the clock. I was supposed to meet Dylan for lunch at Al's Pizza in twenty minutes. After noticing how close I was getting to Dylan, even telling him about my mother, I had completely shut him out. We had become too close, to the point where I had to start pushing him away.

I only talked in short sentences to him now. But we were only in our groups once this week. The other days we spent doing vocab. Dylan, oddly, waited outside for me one of the days. He began to talk about movies and when I didn't respond he started on the subject of this weeks project assignment. We had to hang out for at least an hour.

That's when the plans to hang out Saturday were made. And now, here we are; Saturday.

I slipped on a necklace I had gotten from my mother; my real mother. I rarely wore it and thought it was time to show it off. And in what better way than a pizza place. Grabbing my wallet and phone, I made my way down the stairs. Grady and Quinton were in the kitchen, trying to shoot chips into each others mouths.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Not only can Quinton not catch a football, he can't catch chips either," Grady teased, causing me to laugh. Quinton opened his mouth, chucking his empty water bottle at him.

"I can to catch a football! and chips! You just can't throw them right!" I laughed at their silliness as Grady grabbed a handful of chips and chucked them all at Quintons face. Quinton attempted to catch them all but failed, almost smacking against the counter. I watched as Quinton struggled to find a retort.

"See! ...can't throw!" He finished lamely.

"See!" Grady yelled. "Can't catch!"

"I'd love to sit here and watch you too guys be... idiots. But I have to go," I smiled, almost happy I actually had plans

"Well, where are you going dressed all fancy?" Quinton questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm meeting Dylan at Al's Pizza," I nodded.

"A date? Adena! You're going on a date!" Grady yelled, practically jumping with joy.

"No!" I instantly rejected. "It's not. It's for the project."

"Well, if it isn't a date, than I want to come! I want pizza! Pizza is good!" Quinton shouted.

"Oh come on guys. We have to work on the project!" I protested.

"Ooo! Adena wants some alone time with Dylan," Grady teased, winking.

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