***Chapter 2***

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As my father pulled into the long driveway towards the house my thoughts flashed back to the dreadful day when my friendship with Brent Patterson had ended.How long had it been exactly?Three years?I could hardly believe it had been that long,it still felt like yesterday.There was still a lingering sense of sadness that may never end.

I stared at my reflection on the window of the BMW,anything to help forget about that day.

I had thick wavy brown hair,bright blue eyes that were a little too bright for my liking.Full lips that I wished could be just a little thinner.I didn't quite see myself as a beauty.Maybe I needed another distraction rather than staring at my reflection,if anything it was only making me more depressed.

"Are you sure Lois isn't here as yet?"I asked my mother when we exited the vehicle, taking a look around the driveway to ensure her car wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I always had to mentally prepare myself before I confronted my cousin,she didn't miss a single opportunity to insult me.

She sighed."Lois will be coming tomorrow for the engagement.Not today Belle.Stop acting so childish."

My father rested his hand on my shoulder like he always did when he sensed I was frustrated.

I forced a smile on my face as to reassure him that I was okay.While they went into the house I focused on trying to calm my racing heart.I was going to see Brent again.


I spun around and my eyes widened.

"Rosella."I gasped.

I stood a distance away and stared at her for a moment.

My jaw dropped as I gazed at her in shock,she was huge.. I should of expected this considering she was pregnant and due in three weeks.

But my mind still took some time to wrap itself around the idea of my best friend having a baby soon.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?"she asked.

I smiled and pulled her in for a hug gently."I missed you so much."I whispered stepping back to have a good look at her again.

She gave me a sad smile."I missed you also.I wish there was some way you could live here with me."she confessed."I must say though Belle,you get more beautiful each time we see each other."she added.

I blushed."Thank you."

Not that I believed her.She was my best friend,of course she would flatter me.

"Well why don't you come inside."she said smiling brightly.

I nodded."I just need to get my suitcase from the car."

"Oh--Wait,let Brent get that for you."she suggested.

My eyes widened.I wasn't ready to see Brent.

"That really isn't necessar--"she didn't even wait for me to finish.

"Brent get your lazy butt out here!"she shouted.

I cringed at the thought of seeing Brent again,it had been almost eight months since I had last seen him.I didn't want all those feelings I had put away to come back to haunt me now,especially not now when he was just one day away from getting engaged to my cousin.

The front door opened and he walked out without looking our way,he was too busy talking on his phone,my breath caught at the sight of him.

He looked incredible in his white vest that showed off his muscular chest.His gold cross chain lay perfectly against his chest, shining in the bright light.

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