Chapter 1

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She sits alone

Away from society

Away from you

She waits alone

Looking for comfort

Looking for you

Sometimes the one you care for the most

Is the greatest betrayal of all.

The girl at the window stops typing. She looks in the mirror and sees a plain girl with bright green eyes sparkling with imagination. As she looks farther she frowns, noticing every little imperfection. The lack of fullness in her lips, her limp brown falling into waves at the base of her neck, the dark circles under her eyes that makeup will never fully hide. The frown deepens as she notices everything she despised about herself and yet still hopes someone might love her for them.

The old grandfather clock chimes downstairs. The girl gets up from the windowsill and looks around her room. A small insect is starting to peal itself from the window as if it its try to run away from the past, forever stuck in time, moving slower and slower until it gives up. 

The bedroom is simple. A queen size bed faces the window next to the old wooden door frame, the lock broken a long time ago. Light blue paint coated the walls like the soft blue in the skies on a warm summer's day. In the corner, next to the window, is a white wooden desk with paint and pen staining the top, from her art "experiments" as a child. A comfy navy and cream chair sits across from it, surrounded by stacks of books. Her favorite novels, obviously, are the closest pile by the lamp still shining in the corner. As she looks around, she smiles. "This is home."

A voice calls out to her, "M, come on, we're going to be late! Tell your brother to hurry up. Breakfast is ready in 5 minutes."

"Alright, I'm coming." She speaks down the stairs. Her voice resonating along the walls like a melodic song adding sweetness to the smell of wild roses. Yet how could such a girl never understand how much she means to the world.


"I don't know how to describe it, M. I don't know, its like..." A girl sitting next to me in class was talking over the teacher. Her hair was a bright red. It changes color almost every week. Her piercing blue eyes could challenge anyone. Yet everyone knew she was such a softie. She was captain of the cheer squad and senior valedictorian. Everyone loved her.

"Miss Haines and Miss Kelly? Are you done discussing this year's prom." Mrs. Pemmings was the oldest teacher at our little school. Everyone thought she was ancient, with her strong bifocals perched on her nose, to the wispy gray hair that was falling out.

"Yeah, thanks for being so understanding. Its our last one, so prom has to perfect!" my best friend always has a way of talking herself out of any situation.

"Would you like to tell us about this book then." Mrs. Pemmings holds up her worn out copy of "Madame Bovary."

I raise my hand tentatively, "Madame Bovary explores the possibility that the written word fails to capture even a small part of the depth of a human life. Flaubert uses a variety of techniques to show how language is often an inadequate medium for expressing emotions and ideas. The characters' frequent inability to communicate with each other is emblematic of the fact that words do not perfectly describe what they signify."

"Eloquently said Miss Kelly, as usual. Unfortunately, that doesn't get you out of detention."

"But Mrs. Pemmings ---"

"Three weeks. Would you like to make it four?"

The entire class could hear a mumble of a no. The bell rings and the class rushes out the door practically running to lunch.

"Cheer up, love! Its only three weeks. It can't be that bad."

If only Ashlyn knew how bad it could be.


The bell rings, signaling the end of the day. As I'm packing up my ap calculus notes into my bag I saw someone standing infront of my desk. I slowly looked up. Past the torn converse to the old jeans spotted with paint. Past the band t-shirt to those piercing blue eyes.

"God, he will never notice me. I'm such a nerd. Shut up brain, you know he's a douche bag. He hurt you before. Remember? Maybe he's changed? Not a chance."

I could see his trademark smirk from his eyes. So I did what any normal girl would do, if a douchebag is near, run away. I strode out of the room with enough energy I was half way down the hall before he caught up.

"What do you want Connor?" I sigh as he starts to match my stride.

"I heard you got detention?" He asks mockingly, "I thought her highness could never stoop to our level."

"Listen, douchebag, when did you start talking to me. Last I heard, Kayla was more interesting. Now if you don't mind I have to get to class."



"Well, considering we're both going to the same place, I figured why not walk together."

"I don't have time for this," I mutter under my breath.

Pause. Maybe I should rewind a bit, to when we first met. It's spring of my freshman year. I finally got into the school play, Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I was to play Lady Marian, the lead female role. Well as the play progressed, I noticed a kid in the back of the auditorium. His name was Connor. He was the most flirtatious boy you will ever meet. Well, we got along instantly. There was never a dull moment when I was with him. When the play ended, we still hung out. Beginning of sophomore year, we'd go to every football game together. We danced together at homecoming. It almost seemed like we were dating. That was, until he stopped talking to me and asked out my friend. I haven't talked to him since.

Back to the present. The boy I see in front of me isn't the same guy from that year. He's still a douchebag, still the same immature boy from sophomore year.

"Come on, where's the harm in walking together?"

"I might punch you."

"Do you really want another detention?"

I sighed and kept walking in silence.

"So I'll take that as yes. I heard you got into the play, 12 angry jurors? That's great just like last year."


"I got in as well. Yeah, juror 5."

My eyes open wide in surprise, "Wait, you in too?"

"Yeah, I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other after all."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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