Ain't Going Down Without A Fight

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This is a monster chapter! Almost 9K words! Feels a bit rushed to me but I hope you guys like it. Please don't forget to comment and vote. Enjoy! :)

The gardens around the manor were no longer beautiful to Louis as he walked hand in hand with Henry trying to listen to what he had to say. Boring stuff about his hunting trips all around the world, something Louis did not care about hating how he killed innocent animals for sport. When they finally took a seat on a bench Louis sighed in relief when his feet were starting to hurt also feeling a headache coming in.

"Love, are you feeling okay?" Henry asked seeing Louis rubbing his face with his hands, "You look pale."

"Just a headache, I didn't sleep well last night." Louis tried to smile at him but it was more of a grimace.

"How so?" Henry asked annoying Louis to no end when he was too nosey but he tried to look happy anyway.

"Just too many things in my mind, like the wedding and making sure everything goes as planned. Don't want anything or anyone to ruin that day for us, it is a special day after all." Louis smiled through his teeth hating every second spent with Henry tensing up when he wrapped his arm around him getting closer.

"Well we can't let that happen, I will make sure to have the best security. I can promise you Lou, nobody is going to ruin our wedding and if someone dares then...guess they'll have to be severely punished." Henry leaned closer to Louis to where their lips were almost touching making a chill run down Louis' spine. Not a good one.

Louis struggled with himself trying not to push him away when he saw that as his opportunity to start getting used to Henry, to his future husband's kisses and touch so he did what he had to do. He closed the space between their lips slowly lifting his hand placing it on Henry's cheek glad that he was kissing back yet felt disgusted with himself for letting another man kiss him the way Harry would kiss him. But it was for his own good when there was no way Harry would ever want him and there was no chance of them ever bonding and forming a family together.

When he pulled back Henry was looking at him with a smirk on his face, his eyes darker than ever and filled with lust making Louis squirm feeling uncomfortable. Louis tried to get up and walk home hating how far away they were, almost at the front gates but couldn't when Henry pulled him back and kissed him again. He let go when they heard someone approaching them and as soon as they saw who it was, Louis forced himself not to care when they saw it was Harry.

"Your Royal Highness." Harry greeted him having to contain his anger and the urge to grab Louis and run away.

"What is it?" Henry rolled his eyes, "What is so important that you have to interrupt my fiance and I."

"Mr. Tomlinson requests your presence in his study, it is important." Harry responded trying to look him in the eye but couldn't when his gaze settled on their hands clasped together.

"Alright." Henry sat up pulling Louis with him, "Come love, I'm not leaving you here all alone. Someone might steal you, now we wouldn't want that happening when there's scum all over this place." He said kissing Louis' lips then looked at Harry up and down as if he was nothing but dirt on the sole of his shoes.

"Mr. Tomlinson has requested that I stay with his son. It is a private matter...and it should be treated as so. Mr. Tomlinson's words." Harry clarified fighting his smirk when Henry nodded but he didn't have to anymore when it vanished as soon as he saw Henry kissing Louis again before leaving.

Louis started walking around as soon as Henry was gone quickly busying himself with the white roses by the wall fence smiling when he remembered having planted the flower bush with his mother when he was just a five year old. He noticed Harry following trying to ignore him as best as he could, it had been working for the past week so he was sure it was going to work now. That's what he thought and was so sure of until he felt Harry's warm and big hands on his hips pushing him against the wall away from anybody's prying eyes.

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