Chapter VII: Setting A-Foot

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The morning, the spell the wizard had casted upon Robert had faded, causing him to wake up first. He sat up, his back stiffening and his eyes darting around the cave with pure exhaustion overwhelming his blue eyes.

Yawning, the first thing he decided to do was simple, cook breakfast. He took some meat out of his bag, shoved a spear through it, started a fire, then had begun to roast the soon-to-be-breakfast.

The smell arose around the cave, sending the blacksmith straight onto his tush with a watery mouth.

"Lord in heaven that smells good..."
He hums, reaching his hand over to rip a peace off.

The prince immediately smacks his hand away, a concerned look of disappointment gathering in his glare towards the brunette.

"It's not done yet."
He hisses.
"And I don't want you eating raw meat. It'll get you sick."

"Well I'm about to take a piece in another 20 seconds."

The young prince let out a long sigh, shaking his head and letting his curls dangle on and off his shoulders.

"Then don't come crying to me on how there's worms and maggots crawling out your ar-"

"Let's not say things we'll regret."
Interrupted a bored voice.

Robert looked over. It was Jimmy, watching them tiredly.
"How'd you two gents sleep?"

They replied in unison. The wizard nodded.

"Well, that's a pleasure to hear. What is being cooked at this current moment?"

"The meat you made a while back."
The prince noted with a small smile.
"I saved some."

"Good, good. We'll need food."

John huffs.
"The Misty Mountains will take forever to cross."

Questioned a feminine voice from the back of the cave. The lads looked back. It was Farrokh.

"My dear, dear gentlemen. We'll be able to leave these mountains by today!"

The whole group paused. Even John Paul, who overheard the comment, instantly sat up.

The knight stuttered.
"This trip across the mountains will takes a WEEK! If not, TWO!"

Farrokh looked disgustedly at them, raising his eyebrows.

"Uh... Excuse me, darlings. Who's been stuck in these mountains, say, over 1000 years?"

The group sighed quietly. Hell, they knew where this was going.

"I've walked every square inch of these peaks. It's not that hard to get past. Trust me."

He peered at all of them with a small satisfied smile, turning around and beginning to help roast the meat.

John took a glance at the other fellow travelers.

"Well, at least it won't be that long of a trip through these mountains then!"

Robert and Jimmy took small glances at each other, then nodded in agreement.

"Good point, Bonz."


"Everyone finished?"

Robert asked, taking the fleshless bones of the meat and tossing them into the fire.

The group nodded, stuffed like dead pigs. Jimmy stood up.

"Now that we have our energy,"
He informed.
"-I suggest we get a move on."

"I like your thinking."
John Paul hums, standing up. He lens a hand to Farrokh, who daintily places himself onto his feet and nods with thanks.

"Alright lads!"
John laughs, pulling out his sword.
"Everyone ready for action?"

"Nothing that exciting is going to happen, Bonzo."
Jimmy sighs, shaking his head and placing his hands on his hips.

John gives Jimmy a devious grin.
"Don't be too positive on that statement, Page. Hell, this is only the beginning."

And without further ado, off they went. Venturing through the mountains without care, and not knowing what troubles will come their way...

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