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(Best when the video is played while reading)

I am happy walking around this place, this place is my home. Where my happiness, freedom and purity built upon me. I will always love this place no matter what.

I am busy with my happiness, when a group of guys come into my sight. I never thought such people would come here. There are 4 guys as what I see, they are busy talking to each other. Their smile gives warmth upon me. I never felt this way before. Their laughters ring into my ears as if they are singing.

A guy with a brown colored hair seem to notice me. He look at me with shock paint on his face. His friends look at him and look at the direction where he is looking at. They are all surprise about seeing me. I smile at them ensuring of I am no harm. They smile back at me too. After all, my place is welcome to everyone.

I go to their place and talk to them, we have our introduction and greetings. I am so happy with such great and warm welcome. They share their stories to me as I enjoy listening to them. They are nice people. We also share some laughters like what they did when I was watching them. I wish I could laugh always like this.

When time flies, it seems that I don't understand everything what they are talking about. I felt that I am out of place of their conversation now. I excuse myself as I wanted to go back what I used to be, but the guy right next to me stops me from leaving.

I ask him to let go of my hand but he didn't. I am terrified. They surrounded me as if I am their prey. I try my best on escaping from his grip but it is no use, he is strong. Their expressions starting to change. I am afraid, really afraid.

I bit the hand of the guy holding my hand and I run as fast as I could. I look back but they are still chasing me, I run and run. I lost them when suddenly I fell into the ground. I got some bruise on my knee.

A tear started to fall on my eyes, I've never been afraid of my life. I feel my heart as it pumps so fast that I can feel fear is on me. I cry and cry, shaking of fear that maybe they will find me and do something bad on me.

It is been a long hour when there is no sign of them. A group of girls pass into the other side of my place. I stood up, maybe I can call some help from them.

I follow them as they lead me to where I was before. I look around searching for something. Gladly they are not here. I come close to them asking for help.

They look at me with concern on their faces. They use some medications on my knee and put a band aid on it. I thank them and suppose to leave but they stop me.

They ask me if this is what I actually wear. I look at what I am wearing---I said yes. They gasp as I look at them confuse. They talk about something and face me.

They did something on my hair which is kinda new to me, no one has ever yet hold my hair. They put something on my face as I start to itch on every part on my face. What are they putting on my face? They gave me some dress that I have never seen before.

It is beautiful, it is colored as purity. They let me change that dress and when I'm done, satisfaction is on their faces. I feel like I am an angel. They treated me as a part of them, I wish that I could have some friends like them. Thoughtful, helpful and friendly. Maybe I will forget about what happened a while ago. We have some chitchats as what they call and I seem to get close to them. They suddenly look at me and talk about different things they use upon me, on how much is it or what brand it was. I've come to a realization that I will never cope up on them because I am different.

I didn't realize that I remove something on my face which makes them change their expressions. I came to an alert as a scenario just came to my mind. They ask me with rage that frightens me. No. Not again.

A girl pull my hair hard, as my scalp is aching for pain. The other girl cut my dress as I am horrified watching losing it's cloth. As the last girl slap me hard that I fell on the ground. Her friends play on me as I am crying asking for them to stop. They are having fun on hearing my cries, sobs and pain. I never felt this way before.

They left me laying down on the ground with cuts and bruises. Pain is reigning on me. I feel my heart, I just feel that something on my heart is in pain. I sat down and I can't stop crying. I put my head on my knee as I cry out with pain.

I wish I should have stayed the way I am. I should never felt fear, and pain right now. I wish I was still that pure girl that never felt this way. I wish. My heart seem to change that frightens me, it is now full of bruises that can't be heal. It will took a long time to heal. My heart, oh my sweet poor heart.

A cold breeze flew upon me as I heard a footstep coming into where I am.

The footsteps stop and there's a hand holding my hand. I lift my head as the sun shines so bright to a stranger. I adjust my eyes to see the face of this stranger. When I finally see the face of the stranger--Pain and fear come back again upon me.

His expression soften as he look into my eyes. He held my face. It is warm. I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the hand of this guy. His warmth soothes me down. I open my eyes again and look intently to his eyes but I found no answer.

I am just afraid that maybe he will do the same as the people I met before.

He stood up and he offers his hand to me. I look at it still afraid about trusting this guy. He look at me with pity in his eyes. He drop his hand and starting to walk away.

Should I trust him?

I stood up and try to walk but my legs are betraying me. I expect an impact on my body but I didn't feel it. A tender arms wrap upon me, saving me from that fall. I open my eyes and see this guy again. He smile at me. I look down. Maybe he won't let me fall again this time, maybe he will catch me. I look into his eyes again looking for it.

Finally, I found it.

As words come into my mouth----

"Please take care of my heart"

Author's Note:
Hello! My first and ever english story is here!

I will apologize in advance because of my english writing skills, I am not that fluent and english isn't my first language. I am still trying my best to improve my english skills (english is one of the least subject that I never excelled). This story badly needs risk on reading it. I really meant the 'badly' word. After a tagalog story, I am trying my best now on writing on a new one. I thought of that I should take a vacation on writing actions for now. Now, I am enrolling on teen fiction. This story will be a torture on me, things like this is not really my style. BUT, there is no wrong on doing new things, right? I will do my best on writing this story with different experiences and feelings of mine to deliver it on you. I won't leave promises though. I am quite good at breaking promises. *bows with a smirk on my face*

Wishing that you will read the story till the very last chapter and support it. *pats my head and gives a good luck on myself*

Thank you!


Please take care of my Heart (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now