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August 3rd : California Court District
Case : The State Of Los Angeles vs . Christopher M. Brown

" After an 8 hour deliberation, the jury finds the defendant guilty on all charges and has sentenced the defendant approximately 2 years in the states correctional facility " the judge announced .

We couldn't believe our ears . 2 years ? For something we knew deep down that he did , but wanted to believe that he didn't .

It always seems that as soon as something good comes your way , something bad is right behind it waiting for a slip up . This is definitely the case .

But how did we get here ? It damn sure didn't start this way ..

Fall : 2014 , October 4th
Location : Alex's Place .


My sister has been dating this guy for about 6 months now . I've never met him but I've heard some things ... Oh! And I'm Ayanna , Alex's little sister . I'm 17 , a junior in high school . My sister Alex is 23 . I've been living with her while our parents settle out their divorce . It's been rough but were making it .

" tonight is the night Ayanna . You get to meet Chris " my sister said running to the mirror fixing her diamond studded earring in her left ear . She was wearing a tight black dress with heels .

" you're getting real fancy for a house dinner and movie " I said giggling at how formal she was .

" it's s grown up thing " she winked and ran back into the bathroom .

I really hope the guy she's trying to impress is worth her while . We're protective of each other so she knows I have no problem speaking my mind .

After watching her parade back and forth , room to room , I walked into my room and went into my closet looking for something decent . I ended up grabbing a blue and black checkered flannel shirt with a pair of black ripped jeans . No need for shoes seeing as we're just going into the living room .

I walked into the bathroom , covered my hair in a bonnet and then began undressing out of my pajamas . Turning the steel knobs of the shower equally cold and hot , I stepped foot into the tub allowing my body to lather with water . After a quick rinse I reached for my lavender scented body wash and began a second lather of water and soap onto my body .

After a fifteen minute quick wash , I grabbed my towel , wrapped it tightly around my body and stepped out into the bathroom floor . I took a quick look into the mirror and popped a Wint-O-Fresh Mint into my mouth , for my breath was still fresh from an earlier brushing .

" Girl hurry up ! My man pulling up right now ! " my sister yelled from down the steps .

" shit " I mumbled under my breath as I ran into my room . This guy moves quickly . I threw on a sports bra with a pair of black underwear then stuck my arms into my flannel finally buttoning up every button except for the top one .

" hey baby " I heard my sister say from a far . I then quickly stepped into my pants zipping and buttoning them up . I took a breath and then made my way down the stairs .

Baby BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin