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Cadence brushed another wisp of red hair out of her face, and stared at the crowd of people, suddenly, at the corner of her eye, she spotted a flawless male body, with deep blue eyes, a head of hazel hair, and a well chiselled chin. He wore a black Nike hoodie, and black sweat pants. He was beautiful. Suddenly, Scorp, pranced right up to him, and planted a kiss on his flawless cheek. Cadence's heart dropped, "what are you looking at!" Scorp hissed, Cadence quickly avoided eye contact. Scorp narrowed her eyes into small slits, and hissed. "Come on babe" Scorp giggled, Cadence found out that the boy's name was Taylor, Taylor autney.

After a few hours, Cadence begun to wonder why Gem hadn't come back yet,  at first Cadence thought the line was Really long. And Gem had been waiting for a long time, until she leaned over, and realised there was no line. Cadence wasn't usually much of a busy body, but she just had to find out what happened to Gem. After all, she could've just stolen Cadence's money and ran off.  After a while, Cadence decided she would look for Gem, she looked around the cafeteria, but saw no sign of Gem. Finally she spotted Gem sneaking into the office, still hoping Cadence's money.

"Gem!" Cadence yelled, it was to late, Gem had stepped inside the office. "Urgh! Gem!" Cadence yelled once again, there was no reply, so she decided to go into the office and see what Gem was doing. Cadence pushed the steel doors open, and scanned the office. There was no one there, accept a small faded piece of paper in the middle of the room. Cadence walked over to it. And read the small writing printed on the paper. "Dear Cadence, you are probably cry confused about that's going on, but I must tell you that this is the truth. 5 centuries ago, there were 12 zodiac guardians, they ruled the earth in peace. Until one day they read a prophecy about a human that was going to destroy the zodiacs and turn the world into hell. So the zodiac guardians fled from the earth, and transferred their powers into 12 humans that would be reunited once again. The zodiac guardians just turned into signs, and were forgotten. Some people had the ability to use the zodiac guardians and use them to see the future. AKA horoscopes. You are one of those humans that the Zodiac guardians transferred Their powers into. You just have to learn how to use them. Cadence was surprised, she tilted her head upwards, and bellowed: "Gem this isn't funny!" "It's not meant to be funny" a voice whispered from the corner of the room, Cadence whipped her head around, a tall lady with dark skin, and frizzy hair, was standing aT the corner of the room. She had a leather jacket one with the words 'zodiacs" printed at the left hand corner. She wore a beige shirt under neath, and jeans. "That letter was made for you by your zodiac, Cancer" the lady continued, "h-h-h-how is this possible?" Cadence asked, "I know you are confused, but follow me and I'll tell you" the lady smiled, "why should I, I don't even know you! Where is Gem" Cadence replied, feeling brave. "Your friend, is like you, She has the power of Gemini" the lady stated, her eyebrows knitted together. "Now follow me, if you want to be with your friend" the woman smirked.

"Where are you taking me?" Cadence asked, the woman smiled, and took out a small, red, glowing rock. "Touch it" she whispered, Cadence hesitated, she reached out, and grabbed the rock. Flashes of red light, and energy surged through Cadence's body, beams of red light over whelmed Cadence's vision. Thump, pain prickled in Cadence's body. She woke up, standing in a dust ridden ghost town, people wearing rags, and dirty clothing, ran through the ghost town. Screams and cries flooded the area. Cadence was standing next to a tall red headed woman, the woman had a black leather suit, and was clutching the same red rock Cadence had touched. A man dressed, fully in black silk, walked up to the woman. "Ah, Cancer, we meet again" the man smirked, "nice to see you too Dragon" The red head woman, other wise known as Cancer, replied. "I see you have the rock, you do realise, it will be no use after I destroy this planet" Dragon gritted his teeth together as he spoke. "You will do no such thing, the others need me." Cancer retorted, "in your dreams" Dragon playfully smiled, "yes, once you are banished, you will have dreams, dark dreams" Cancer smiled, "what do you mean" Dragon replied, his voice quivering, Cancer held up the rock. "We will transfer our powers, into these human beings, one day they will banish you into space, from then on, you will never come back" Cancer smiled, she jabbed the rock into Dragon's heart, beams of red light blurred Cadence's vision once again.

Thump, she was back in the office, with the frizzy haired lady. "That's Cancer, the original Zodiac guardian, that scene you saw there, it happened over 5 million years ago. When the zodiac guardians powered their energy into the human beings, there are others like you, others with different zodiac powers, like Gem." She stated, "Gem, is a zodiac guardian as well?" Cadence exclaimed, "yes, but we'll talk more about that later,my name is Fiona, have this" Fiona held out a small chain necklace, with a colourful ring. On each colour was a zodiac symbol, the Cancer symbol was glowing rapidly.

"This is the portal to Zodiac HQ, you can only enter it if you are a believer." Fiona stated, she was staring at the Gemini sign. She set the necklace down, and the it began to glow rapidly. Red lights begun to emerge from the necklace. The lights turned into swirls, and the swirls turned into lines, and the lines formed itself into a circular shape. "The guardians made it because they thought that if their enemies found Zodiac HQ, they would be able to wipe out all of the guardians" Fiona stated, "only the hearts of the believers may enter" Fiona continued. "Try it"

Cadence took a deep breath in, and stepped inside the portal. She went right through it. "Why isn't it working?" Cadence asked, "because you're not believing in yourself" Fiona answered, "do you really expect me, to believe in some stars with super powers?!" Cadence bellowed, "yes." Fiona replied

Cadence took another deep breath in, and tried again. Once again, she walked right through the portal. "I'm sick of this!" She whined, "believe in the zodiacs, believe in Gem, believe in Taylor, believe in your father" Fiona calmly replied, her voice was gentle, and soothed Cadence's mind. She stepped into the portal. She felt like she was being ripped into a million shreds, and being scattered everywhere, her body was unstable. All Cadence could see, was deep reds, and blacks. Suddenly. THUMP, Cadence found herself in some sort of mystic castle. Th castle had old stone bricks, and paintings hung to the wall. There were some old artefacts hung here and there. One was a gold sword. Others were rocks.

"Fiona!" Cadence bellowed, "Cadence!" An excited voice startled her, Gem came running up to Cadence, she embraced in a big warm hug. Standing next to her was Taylor, Cadence had just noticed, that Gem and Taylor looked exactly the same, they had the same hair colour, same eye colour, the same nose shape, the same lip shape, etc. "this is my twin brother Taylor" Gem stated. "Oh" Cadence muttered. That made sense. "Hi" Taylor waved, "hi" I waved back. "Ah, Gemini, Taurus, and Cancer, all reunited" q voice startled the group, a man wearing a tight grey suit, and grey hair, approached the bunch. "I'm Mr Berkin" he smiled, Mr Berkin's smile was warm and comforting. "Welcome to the group! Follow me" he motioned towards the need of the castle's hall way." He begun walking towards it. The group followed Mr Berkin through the hallways, and into some kind of cafeteria. 9 people were inside the room.

"Sit" Mr Berkin exclaimed, Gem sat with Veronica, and Carla, Cadence sat with a girl with auburn hair, and blue tips, and Scorp. Cadence later learned, that The girl with auburn hair and blue tips, was named Penny. She wore a blue shawl, and jeans. After everyone had settled down, Mr Berkin started to speak, "my name is Frank Berkin, but you may call me Mr Berkin, you all must be very confused, but hopefully your trainers has taught you enough about your past, let me start by introducing all your zodiacs, Carla Merchin, you are Capricorn, Taylor Autney you are Taurus, Gemi Autney, you are Gemini, Penny Rivers, you are pisces, Scorp Meadows, you are Scorpio, Cadence Archer you are Cancer.." And the list went on.

"Your trainers will show you,to where you sleep, goodnight everybody" Mr Berkin finished, "we're staying here? Over night!" Penny exclaimed, "well duh" Scorp hissed. Fiona approached Cadence, and tapped he on the shoulder, "time to go kid" she smiled, "you're my trainer?" Cadence exclaimed, "yup, now follow me!" Fiona motioned towards a large doorway at the left side of the cafeteria. Cadence and Fiona made their way towards it, "who else in my family is a zodiac guardian?" Cadence asked, "your great grandfather, your great grandmother, and your father" Fiona answered, "my dad? Is that how he died?" Cadence exclaimed, "you ask to many questions kiddo, but we don't know the last one, your father quit, after finding out that he was going to be a father, we stopped keeping track of him" Fiona answered. She led Cadence to a small dormitory "pj's are in there" Fiona pointed to a small chest at the corner of the room, "thanks" Cadence replied, Fiona left the room, leaving Cadence alone. The dorm was filled with bunk beds, and sinks. There was a toilet in the corner of the dorm.

"Looks like this is the end, of everything.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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