Chapter 1: Lonely Child

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Chapter 1: Lonely Child

Life has never been easy for me.I grew up without any parents and people leaving me and abandoning has quite grew on me as time past by.It's been 15 years since I was born,and it was the same date when my parents left me at the doorsteps of one of the foster systems I grew up in.I still have no idea who they are and why they left me.Maybe because I am just an accident in this world?What if I'm just a big mistake that was bound to happen?I don't have a proper home,proper family,and a proper life.My life is all fucked but I still have no idea why I'm still hoping that my parents will come back for me one day and tell me that I'm wrong.That I'm not a mistake in this world.That I'm not an accident.But seeing time past by is just really making it worse.Time is slowly passing by and so is my hope.

And right now,I'm right here sitting as I watch the sun go down,hoping that there will be someone who will love me for who and what I am.The cool breeze of the ocean touching my skin as I let out a small breath,knowing that what I'm thinking are only false hope and that it will never happy.That no one will love me and no one will ever care for me.My knees are against my chest while my dark brown hair flew as the wind blows.

"Why does my life have to be like this?"

I sighed and closed my eyes tightly as the pain struck my heart again.I know that it's been 15 years,but the pain has always been there.I guess this pain will always be here in my heart.I let a tear fall from my eye and took a deep breath,wiping the tear away quickly and stood up.

"I guess this is where my fate will lead me." I smiled weakly to myself and walked away from the beach then towards to where my friend's beach house is.

"Maria Natasha Jones!Where the hell have you been?" My one and only friend,Obie,blurts out as I enter her beach house.And just as I was expecting,she's sitting on the couch with her boyfriend,Mikael,naked and have a blanket to cover them. "I just went outside to have some fresh air that's all and it's not like you need me anyway,knowing you already have someone to keep you company." I said in a sarcastic tone while rolling my eyes.

And where the bloody hell are my manners?I haven't introduced myself and yet I'm bragging my dramatic life with you,how ironic.My name is Maria Natasha Jones,but the others call me Nat for short.I use the name "Jones" as my last name because the Jones family is the only family who truly accepted me...until everything went to hell,again.

"Right,of course." Obie sighed. "Well,I'm going to my room now and please do it quietly for once!" I begged and went to my room,falling on my bed tiredly as I enter my room. "What a perfect life I have." I murmured and closed my eyes shot,until tiredness overcame me and drifted off to sleep.

The Next Day..


I woke up at the sound of my alarm beeping as it read 7:45 in the morning. "Shit!" I cursed and jumped out of my bed,realizing what time it is.I'm already late for school and I only have 15 minutes left!I ran towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth quickly,then towards the closet,changing into my jeans and red hoodie with a black sweater under it.I brushed my hair and checked myself out at the mirror.

"That'll do." I whispered and smiled lightly to myself.

I grabbed my back pack (which has all my things thank God!) and went outside my room,seeing Obie and Mikael cuddled up on the couch like they have no idea what day it is.I saw a glass of water on the counter and poured it all on the both of them without hesitation.They quickly opened their eyes and jumped out of the couch,not to mention that they're naked so I quickly looked away from them.

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