Chapter twenty: Friends and demons.....

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Blank faces....good start I guess.
", what are you?" Finnie asks curiously, a sigh slowly escapes my lips as I run my hand through my hair.

"That's the problem we, I, don't know." Trying to avoid their eyes while an awkward silence fills the room like a flood eager to swallow anything in its path, I fiddle with my fingers.

"Can we see it?" My fingers freeze at the question I hear come from Bard.
"Promise you won't shot me? Goes the same to you to MeyRin." They look at each other then nod, oh great. That just fills me confidence. Well here goes nothing. Let do this nice and slow, I watch them closely as they can almost see me change. To start, my eyes shimmer into the change, followed by my teeth very much aware of either of their grips on their guns before letting the darkness envelope their ability of sight. Feeling my wings push free, fully formed as the darkness recedes. A unison of gasps of shock seem to echo painfully in my ears, probably because I'm so nervous. My feet seem to take a step back of their own accord as I wince at the noise.

"Er, yes, well this is, well, me." Raising my wings and flexing them so they can see them clearly. MeyRin is the first to advance towards me, hesitating before carefully lifting up her hand, she softly touches my right wing, slowly running her fingers along part if the structure. As if confirming that they are real, oh trust me they are.

"Whoa it's so smooth it is." She breathes out. Ok, that's one down, two  to go. I smile at them trying to comfort them? Or something along those lines.
"It's still me guys.." I lift up my left hand in offer for them to take, jeez I feel like I'm trying to convince them to come to the dark side or something...Finnie slowly makes a soft of shuffle towards me before taking my hand in a cautious maner. Once he does however, a small smile appears on his lips.

"Honestly I don't bite." A light chuckle is returned as a response at my joke along with a nod, silently telling me  that he's ok. I turn my attention to Bard who's leaning against the sink with his arms over his chest, not looking hostile in the slightest.. I sigh mostly to myself, he might be a bit harder to convince.

"Come on Bard. You I think, were the first to see my eyes change, you must have had a feeling then that I wasn't normal." He watches me for a painful minute, while the other two look at my wings, nails, teeth and eyes...I feel like a doll again. He looks down as if contemplating something then back at me, locking eyes.

"Well fine, next time you're angry at me, try not to take my head off." I laugh in relief as he comes over.
They finish examining me like a new toy and we all sit down around the kitchen table. Me with my wings either side of the chair.

"Do you prefer to be in this..form?" Finnie asks me, nodding my head in response,
"Hm, yes. It gives me more freedom, oh wait! There are three more things I can do." They all look at me curiously making me smile. "I can make it become dark along with being able to see in the dark." Their mouths drop open. "Watch." I say then slowly control the darkness in the room, pulling it out from its shadows until it's pitch black all around us.

"Wow!" "Flipping heck!" "I can't see" They said all together I laugh and bring it back. "Whats the other thing you can do?" Bard asks I smile sheepishly at him.

"You know when it was really cold when we had a fight.." I wait for it to hit him a few seconds later and boom he gets it. "No way." I laugh "Yep way." And I concentrate and feel it get colder and colder until they all shiver slightly. I bring it back to normal as they all stare at me I look down smiling. "Oh yeah and my other senses have be heightened slightly like my sense of smell and hearing."

"So I know we have already asked but what do you think you are? I mean you don't look like an angel." I look at Finnies and he gulps "No! No! I didn't mean it like that I meant the wings!" I laugh at him and bring my wings around.

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