Vampire Princess And Werewolf Kings Love

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Kiska, slowly looked at the reflection in the mirror that was just a mirror image of the person that she used to be. Well that is if you considered her a person at all.

Most of humanity would rather prefer to believe that things like vampires and werewolves didnt exist. But Kiska knew that they were as real as the blood the she needed to take in to survive.

Oh, yes if you haven't figured it out yet Kiska herself was a vampire. But still she wasnt like other female vampires her age oh no fate had made sure that she was different because you see she was the vampire princess and every one around here knew that.

Sometimes she wished that she was just an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life. But she knew that was just wishingful thinking on her part. Most people would know with just one look at her that she was from royalty even if they weren't one of the supernatural.

It wasn't the way she looked, No it was just the way she was raised to present herself. Or at least thats what her brother used to tell her all the time.

Oh, How she missed her older brother Maliki; He was the one who always knew just what to do and say to take all of her pain away. But she knew that no matter how much she wished too see him again. There was no way that she would ever be in the presence of her loving brother.

 She truly wished that this last year was nothing but a crazy dream; one that she would wake up and see that her loving brother was indeed still alive and breathing. Instead she knew the reality of the situation because a year ago today her loving older brother was found bruttally killed in the human town called Azderyk.

Kiska knew that her parents were hurting more than anyone because they had lost a child; but she allowed them to think that was true but in reality she knew that they werent the only ones that lost something precious that night, oh no. She did as well. But they will never be able to open up there eyes and see this.

She later found out that Maliki died protecting the one person that meant more to him then the blood he needed to survive. So Kiska knew that her big brother Maliki died knowing that no matter what happens after he is gone that those who wronged him did not hurt those that he was meant to protect.

Sometimes Kiska wished that mates and the ones that you are meant to love and cherish didn't exist; Because then maybe her big brother would still be here with them.

But she knew deep down in her heart that even if Maliki didnt die protecting the one that had his heart; He would have suffered for anyone who needed his help. That was just the kind of person that he was.

He would have made a wonderful leader when their father Alberto would have stepped down. But now Kiska knew with every fiber of her being that she was the one that her parents and the rest were looking towards to rule the whole clan of Vampires.

The girl herself knew that she wouldn't make a good ruler. She was too naive to understand the ways of politics. So shaking her head Kiska couldn't have imagined that her long brown hair with the pink stripes that Maliki so much adored had turned into this pile of a mess that she now calls hair.

She didnt really like the pure black hair that went right above her butt. But her mother had ordered all the Vampires to die there hair pitch black for an entire year simply because its her way for everyone to honor and respect the passing of the next ruler of Vampires.

But Kiska knew that the true reason that her mother demanded that everyone wear black hair was because of Kiska herself. Maliki's hair was brown and it went below his waist, and his eyes were as Hazel as Kiska's if not more beautiful then her own.

She knew that her mother demanded this because of how much Kiska reminded her of what she lost. Kiska could understand but why couldnt her parents see that this was the wrong way to go about the death of Maliki.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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