Chapter One

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"THERE 'E IS" I heard one guard screech. "GET 'IM BEFORE 'E GET'S AWAY!"

As I saw them gaining on me I started to panic. I surveyed my musty surroundings in anxiety. Spotting an alleyway, I made for it, hoping against hope that it would lead somewhere away from the approaching guards. As I neared the end I began to realize that it was a dead end with nothing but shattered glass, trash bins and empty crates. I punched the wall in frustration, making a dent in the stone.

Temper temper, The voice inside my head spoke.

"Shut up" I muttered menacingly. I really didn't think this through, I thought.

Since when do you think? Because in the time I've been in here, not much activity has been going on.

I thought I told you to shut up you stupid voice! I retorted mentally. Besides, when they said they were going to lock me in, I just panicked and bolted! Now, what do I do?

Why are you asking me? the voice asked.

Because you're supposed to be my metal companion and guide!

Well you could start be getting cover. So quit talking to yourself and grab that conveniently placed cloak on the ground over there!

I scanned around and spotted the dark green cloak. I quickly snatched it up and draped it around my shoulders. I pulled the cloak's overlarge hood up, covering my distinct hair color.

Thanks Voice! things should be a bit easier now!

Aye! It replied.

I began to run out of the alleyway. Once I reached the entrance to the outside of the shadows a guard jumped on me. He pulled the cloaks hood down to confirm my identity.

"Knew it was you!" he said as his sour breath blew into my face. I wrinkled my strong nose in disgust. He dragged me to my feet and pushed me into the center of a circle of guards all pointing a spear at me. "WE GOT 'IM CHIEF! WHAT ARE YER' ORDERS?" It was the same guard that was shouting before. he had shouted in my sensitive ears, making them ring.

"Well look what we have here!" That voice. That painstakingly familiar voice. His annoying voice echoing through my ears. He stepped out of a shadowed alley, raven hair lifting from his face in the cool September breeze. His cold dark blue eyes looked pitch black and were glinting in the waning moon. "Looks like I've caught you once again, Natsu Dragneel."

Gray Fullbuster, I thought, Chief of police and head of the royal guard.

I searched in anguish for a way out. My sharp eyes caught something and an idea formed in my head. I saw very near to the rim of the encircling guards, just above the head of one, a pole jutting out of the wall with a small sign swinging from it. It had a loaf of bread engraved on it. Three feet away from me a pile of boxes conveniently stacked like stairs next to Gray. I had a plan.

The chief sauntered up to me and leaned on the boxes, catching his regal white coat holding all his medals of 'honor' on the crates. I smirked, my plan had just got even better. Gray noticed my simper and panic flashed through his eyes for a second. He recovered himself quickly and spoke.

"Why are you grinning like and idiot! I just caught you!" The chief exclaimed.

"Not yet you haven't Gray" I said my smirk had broadened in to an evil grin.

"What are you--?"

I bolted, and before any of the guard could grasp what was going on to grab me, I lept on to the boxes. Gray tried to move but his coat was caught panic was full on his face now. I jumped, placing one foot on his shoulder, one on his head.

The Runaway Prince (NaLu) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now